Friday, September 27, 2013

First World Problems Friday...

Yes, this week while sulking about my back (which is much better today), I also sulked about the things I miss from the States. Yes, they are so meaningless and trivial...I'm almost ashamed to write about them. But, how about this? I'll limit it to five...Please try to contain your laughter - because they are totally ridiculous. (Well, except for #2!)

1. Swedish Fish. Yes, I miss this candy. When I was doing serious triathlon and 1/2 marathon/marathon training, this was my fuel of choice. I never got sick of it. You can keep your Gu. You can keep your Shot Blocks...I loved me some Swedish Fish. I keep scouring the shelves hoping a package will magically appear, but so far - no luck!

2. Skim Milk. On a healthier note, I miss skim milk. Everything here has some percentage of fat in it - and to me it all tastes like cream! Yuck! I don't even want to eat a bowl of cereal because I don't have skim milk. Of course, this has helped cut down on my cookie consumption.

3. Clothes Bigger Than a U.S. Size Medium. My shopping habit is suffering immensely. Clothes here appear to be teeny tiny...even in athletic stores such as Nike or Adidas - I've only ever seen a size large. (And trust me, my boobs are not going to fit in a large!) I guess this just means when I get back to the States that I will have a huge, I mean ginormous, shopping spree!

4. Salad Bars. Yeah, this one is stupid. But, I will say I love a salad bar. I love being able to pick out the things I like on a salad and load up a plate. Blaine just keeps laughing at me because this week I said I was going to open up a Size XL Clothing Store which sold Switch Flops and had a salad bar. How random a combination is that?!?!

5. Light Beer. As long as the Tiger is cold, I can drink it. But, what I wouldn't do for a Bud Select 55 or a Michelob Ultra!! 

So there you have first world problems. We're not starving, I'm fully clothed, we're not thirsty or really lacking for anything important...I just miss a few stupid things!

1 comment:

  1. There may or may not have been a packaged shipped today that was already including something on this list before it was ever read (or written, yes I understand your needs!).....But it's on the slow boat! Just hold on for a couple weeks, rations are on their way!
