1. Swedish Fish. Yes, I miss this candy. When I was doing serious triathlon and 1/2 marathon/marathon training, this was my fuel of choice. I never got sick of it. You can keep your Gu. You can keep your Shot Blocks...I loved me some Swedish Fish. I keep scouring the shelves hoping a package will magically appear, but so far - no luck!
2. Skim Milk. On a healthier note, I miss skim milk. Everything here has some percentage of fat in it - and to me it all tastes like cream! Yuck! I don't even want to eat a bowl of cereal because I don't have skim milk. Of course, this has helped cut down on my cookie consumption.
3. Clothes Bigger Than a U.S. Size Medium. My shopping habit is suffering immensely. Clothes here appear to be teeny tiny...even in athletic stores such as Nike or Adidas - I've only ever seen a size large. (And trust me, my boobs are not going to fit in a large!) I guess this just means when I get back to the States that I will have a huge, I mean ginormous, shopping spree!
4. Salad Bars. Yeah, this one is stupid. But, I will say I love a salad bar. I love being able to pick out the things I like on a salad and load up a plate. Blaine just keeps laughing at me because this week I said I was going to open up a Size XL Clothing Store which sold Switch Flops and had a salad bar. How random a combination is that?!?!
5. Light Beer. As long as the Tiger is cold, I can drink it. But, what I wouldn't do for a Bud Select 55 or a Michelob Ultra!!
So there you have it...total first world problems. We're not starving, I'm fully clothed, we're not thirsty or really lacking for anything important...I just miss a few stupid things!
There may or may not have been a packaged shipped today that was already including something on this list before it was ever read (or written, yes I understand your needs!).....But it's on the slow boat! Just hold on for a couple weeks, rations are on their way!