Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fab 5 Friday...

Well, this week sure had its highs and lows, but we've made it to Friday and I've still got 5 fab things to as I say so often to my children, "It's all good."

1. Friends and Cards Against Humanity. Last Friday night we had dinner out with friends that involved copious amounts of wine/prosecco, Mediterranean food and a game of Cards Against Humanity. If you are not familiar with this game...well, you can Google it. It is highly inappropriate, most definitely not PC and flippin' hilarious. I would not play this game with just anyone, but there was no worries with this group as they just threw all propriety out the window!

2. Beato. Saturday was date night for Blaine and I and we tried Beato at Publika for the first time. And I'm kicking myself for not going here sooner! It was delicious! And the service was good, too. Win-win! Blaine and I shared a yummy cheese tray to start and then devoured a steak that was cooked perfectly along with some sweet potato fries and onion rings. (Yes, we were still slightly heavy-headed from Friday night so fried food was a must!) We may need to schedule another date night as soon as he returns from the States just so we can share that steak again!

3. Howie Day. And our Saturday night concluded with seeing Howie Day in concert with some friends - Celine, Ashley, Gero, Jeremy and Krystal - at The Bee. What? You don't know who Howie Day is? Well, let this refresh your memory:

Celine's husband, Bruce, got us "on the list" at The Bee as the event was sponsored by Guinness. THANK YOU BRUCE! So we not only received some complimentary Guinness for the evening, but we got to go backstage and meet Howie. He put on a great show that evening and it was a fun night with friends.

4. Ping Coombes. Wednesday BIG sponsored a cooking demo with UK MasterChef 2014 winner, Ping Coombes. While Ping lives in the UK, she was born here in Malaysia. In fact, she won MasterChef UK by preparing what is really the national dish of Malaysia - nasi lemak. On Wednesday, she prepared a Malaysian inspired roast chicken with turmeric and lemongrass and coriander, cardamom rice, pickled shallots and green pea and mint raita. It was delicious - and while the main course was supposed to be the star, I have to say that the pickled shallots with their bright pink color were my favorite. Ping was delightful during the demo - answering questions and interacting with the small group who came to watch her cook. Malaysia should be very proud of Ping!

5. A Dishwasher. Yes, we scored big this week and purchased a dishwasher! RM500! Woot! We've been here a year without one and yes, we are very fortunate to have Elizabeth who does 99% of the dishes. But, I always feel horrible Monday mornings when she comes in to a kitchen that is overflowing with pots and pans and bowls because I've been cooking up a storm all weekend. So - problem solved!
That's all I've got this week. I have a few friends in the States that I am most definitely thinking about this week as I know it hasn't been the easiest of weeks for you. Wish we could be there to support you, but please know that we're thinking about you.

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