Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ellipses and Fab 5 Friday A Day Early...

No, I haven't been drinking...yet. I just don't think there will be time for Fab 5 Friday tomorrow - so I'm banging it out today. You'll get over it and if I have time tomorrow I'm sure I can find some additional topic to write about as the list just keeps growing.

This week I decided that I would dust off the resume. No, I'm not looking for a job here in KL. That's just not possible with our current visas. But, I want to look for some additional freelance writing gigs. I feel like I need to contribute in some way, shape or form. A measly paycheck from someone would make me feel a little more like I'm doing something of value. (Hell, I'd trade my writing skills for gift certificates if I could find a Malaysian company willing to pay me under the table.) And yes, my family thinks my cooking is of value. And, the kids probably think my homework helping skills are of value. And I know they think my chauffeur skills are valuable, but, I'm craving something else.

Anyways, I have to tell you this funny story because last night Blaine and I had a laugh and a half. I sent out some info on myself to a blogazine, that shall remain unnamed, but was looking for contributors. I sent a link to my blog and links to a couple of WOD Talk articles and told a little bit about myself. I had found the ad online and was anxious to send something out - so I didn't spend a lot of time searching through the blogazine's website - I just knew that the topics were things I write about all the time. BIG MISTAKE! (No, it was not a porno site disguised as a women's blogazine!) Upon reading through a few things from the editor, I found out that she hates ellipses - you know - these things...

I read this and just burst out laughing! My blog is so full of ellipses that she probably stroked out upon just reading my blog titles! Anyways, chock that up to a big, ol' learning experience. And while I could easily send her an email and beg ellipses forgiveness (because I can easily take them out of my writing as needed), I didn't. So there is your funny for the week. (If my ellipses bother you friends and family...well, I don't really care! Read or don't read! It's up to you! I'm not a commercial blogging machine. I write for me, family and friends. And you guys don't seem to complain.)

Let's get into the Fab 5 this week. Lots going on. I probably had at least 8 things that could've gone here in the weekly wrap-up, but I'm sticking to the 5! Tradition, you know!

1. Drinks and Dinner at Taps. Last Friday night we had drinks and dinner with Hub at the new Taps bar in 1MK. Fabulous variety of beer on tap and in bottles and some delicious ciders. The food was good, although kitchen service still needs to be worked out. I will give the kitchen staff props because instead of ignoring the fact that they were swamped and overwhelmed (which is what often happens here in Malaysia when a kitchen is swamped), they actually came out and admitted that this was the case. I think that if they can get the flow of food from the kitchen to the table worked out, they will be very successful.

 2. My First 9 Holes of Golf. I golfed 9 holes at Saujana with Susan and Brandie this week and it was AWESOME! Loved it! And while I will not be playing on the LPGA anytime soon, I was not a total disaster. We just found out yesterday that we've been approved for membership at KGPA so it looks like there will be more golf in my future! If anyone wants to come play at KGPA some time let me know. We probably won't have our paperwork completed until mid-October there, but then we should be good to go.

3. Bread Fruits. After a Wednesday morning that was just, well, crappy...I will say that the afternoon dramatically improved. I picked up Krystal and we had lunch at Bread Fruits in Sri Hartamas. Nothing like a yummy fruit smoothie, pasta and good conversation to make you feel better about things. So thank you Krystal and Bread Fruits for improving my mood!

4. Malaysia Day Fun. Tuesday was a holiday here - Malaysia Day - and the kids did not have school. So, after homework was done and Blaine finished making a big pancake breakfast it was off to the driving range at KLGCC. Cheap family fun for all. I ran into Louise and Mike (the golf pro giving our group lessons) as Louise was doing a make-up lesson. After chatting for a few minutes it was up to whack hundreds of balls. The kids could've stayed for hours, but margaritas were calling our name - so off to Fresca we went. The day ended with a boys' game of SkipBo and everyone was happy!

5. ShowTime on Apple TV. Embrace the little things, right? I don't know how I've missed this for the past few weeks, but yesterday I discovered that ShowTime had been added to AppleTV. So glad Blaine spent 3 1/2 hours on the phone with Ruth the other night clearing up our router/DNS issues because he leaves tonight and I see a full week of binge watching Homeland in front of me!

Okay peeps! Take a moment to laugh at the little things! Like ellipses...Enjoy the weekend! Send good travel vibes to Blaine! And, help me keep my single-mom sanity for the next 10 days!

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