Monday, March 17, 2014

Malaysia In The News...

If you weren't friends with me or a reader of my blog, chances are you have given very little (if any) thought at all to Malaysia prior to the disappearance of MH370. Malaysia!? Where the hell is that?And then, BOOM! Malaysia is everywhere in the news! And guess what?! It has not been portrayed in the most flattering of ways. The government has come off as inept, incompetent, confused, lacking in transparency...and I'm not denying that any of these things are true. I've watched the press conferences and cringed at the inconsistencies. But, Malaysia is not a first world country. It's not the United States, Canada, Great's not a superpower. (And let's be honest, do we really believe that those countries are transparent and forthcoming all of the time?! I believe they've just had a lot more practice of telling us what we want/need to know.) Malaysia is also not a third world country - it's not Sudan, Rwanda, or Zambia. It is a developing country. A country learning. A country growing.The government has surely made mistakes with this investigation and being put on the world stage has not helped. This was something they were not ready for - and who would be ready for something as bizarre and inconceivable as the disappearance of a Boeing777?

But, on a personal level, the fate of MH370 and all of the passengers has truly touched the people of this country. Every place you go there are huge memorial walls where people can post notes/words about MH370. People want to know what happened. They don't agree with how their government has acted. They are angry at the confusion. But, they still love their country. A friend posted this to her Facebook wall:

So, let's hope that answers come soon. Let's hope that Malaysia accepts any and all help offered to them from countries who are able to provide assistance. Let's hope that the Malaysian government learns and grows from this. Let's hope that the family and friends of those 239 passengers and crew obtain some sense of closure. Continue to pray for MH370.

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