Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fab 5 Friday...

Oh...another week has come to an end! It started rough, but has finished splendidly! Looking forward to a great weekend, but here's a few highlights from the week.

Fab 5 Friday
1. Lunch Date with Caleb and Blaine. Grayson had a birthday party last I was able to have a lunch date with Caleb and Blaine. It's really important to spend time with the kids one-on-one, so this just worked out great! We dropped Grayson off at Laser Tag and grabbed a bite at Fresca. I have to say - pretty decent Mexican/Tex-Mex - and really good raspberry margaritas. (You all know - that's the most important way to judge a Mexican restaurant.) And, you've just got to love a little conversation with the oldest of the little dudes. I find him to be so thoughtful and funny - in a quiet way.
Fresca Date

Grayson will have his chance at some Mommy time this upcoming week when Caleb heads to a goodbye party for a friend at Kidzania.

2. Swimming and Crossfit. So my back hit a major rough spot last week - and decided it wasn't going to right itself until late this week. Which meant drugs, rest, and swimming. Yeah, I'm actually thankful for the kept me sane. Plus, we're only a few weeks out from Ironman 70.3 it was good to have my ass in the pool. But, yesterday I was able to head back to Crossfit - which was good for my soul. While we had to modify the WOD for me (no deadlifts yet!) - I was never so happy to do burpees and ride the freakin' Airdyne. I missed working out with my friends at the box and was just happy to complete the 15 minutes of torture. (Plus, a PR on shoulder press didn't feel too bad!)

3. Winning Tickets to the Premiere of Divergent. Yup, I won tickets last week through the magazine Expatriate Lifestyle to the premiere of Divergent! Score! So a girls night out for me and Mabel!
And the movie wasn't too bad either. I'd say it did the book justice...

4. Good Report Cards and Conferences. The kids received their report cards and we had parent-teacher conferences this week. They rocked it! Great report cards and their teacher had nice things to say at conferences. I totally love both of their teachers...they are exactly what each child needs. Caleb's teacher is able to see how sensitive he is and totally knows how to work with him. Grayson's teacher treats him as if he's one of her own and doesn't let him get away with anything - YAY!

5. My Little Blogger. So Caleb's class is blogging - and Caleb seems to really love it! The other night he came home and worked on a new blog post for school all on his own - adding pictures and letting me read it when he was done. He thrives on receiving the comments...they totally make his day! I hope that this might be a way to keep him engaged in reading and writing as he is definitely a math/science dominant child. Time will tell. I've told him that once his Quadblogging project is done at school that he could guest blog for me when he wanted!

Yup, he's blogging about his Saturday. That blog was about Cinnamon Toast Crunch, soccer and baseball...the life of a 9 year old.

All right! There you have it! I hope life is treating you well! How are my Iowa friends doing? Is the snow gone yet? (I'm kinda glad I missed the winter this year after seeing all of your Facebook posts!)

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