Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fab 5 Friday...

I can't believe it's Friday already and Christmas is just a few days away. It seems a little unbelievable! I'm feeling like I haven't done enough to prepare for Christmas this year. Things are definitely different...and I'm just going with it!

Here's this week's Fab 5!

1. Brownies. So...Blaine and I usually make these enormous cookie/goodies trays around Christmas. We spend a whole day baking and a whole day delivering...we probably made trays for 25 different neighbors and friends last year. This year I was going to skip the whole baking thing, but I just couldn't. It's my thing...and it actually relaxes me. I like to spend time in the kitchen. So...I banged out a bunch of brownies this year with cream cheese frosting. Definitely not the same as years past, but it got me in the spirit...

Brownies ready to be delivered by my little elves!

2. Package from Cargill. We received an amazing package from  the Cargill folks this week! Thank you SOOOOOOOO much! Deodorant, aspirin, Swedish fish, presents for the boys, make-up, pepperoni, our favorite BBQ sauce...I can't even remember what else! We completely appreciate everyone who has helped us to get some of our favorite things or things we can't find here!

Presents from home!

3. Soccer. The boys finished up their first round of soccer...and we couldn't be prouder of them. They showed great improvement for kids who hadn't really played the game until this past July. And they're even signing up in the new year for another session. While it's still not my favorite sport...I love that they enjoy it. You can see it in their faces when they have a good Saturday on the field.

Grayson with his medal and friends

Caleb's team getting psyched up! They played a really good match! They lost 9-8 in penalty kicks!

Caleb and his friends

Grayson showiing off the hardware!

4. Dehydrated Nutmeg. So, we went on a scavenger hunt for dehydrated (dried) nutmeg fruit this week! And what a search it was! Mabel was the winner of this hunt! She found it for us at a "tidbits" shop. Phew! I was not heading to Bali without this stuff! But, we have it in our hot little hands and we can't wait to bring it to Amy and Drew in Bali!

The prize!

5. School Holiday Parties. Caleb and Grayson had their Christmas parties yesterday at school and they were lots of fun. Caleb's class had a ton of food and we were able to see their latest projects involving the 'green screen' and their endangered species report. Grayson's class had several stations where the kids played games or worked on projects. I think the kids had a great time!

Okay...that's it for this week. We have a very busy weekend planned - so I'm sure I'll have lots of blogging to do next week. Hope you are all enjoying this hectic time of year...

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