Thursday, December 3, 2015

Last Night...

Last night as I went to bed, my phone dinged. A news alert popped into my feed announcing another mass shooting in America. I sighed...a big sigh and looked at Blaine and said, "Maybe we shouldn't ever go back."

I felt sick to my stomach as I said those words. For many reasons. I love my country, but I deplore all the violence. At times in the last 2 1/2 years I have longed greatly to return home. But, I worry for my friends and family. And yes, I know that no place is immune, but sooooo many places do a better job than the United States of America.

And, let's be clear - I'm not even anti-gun. I grew up in a house with guns. My father is a hunter. He was/is always responsible with his guns. I feel comfortable around guns.  I went to a high school that had a rifle team. I was a member of this team. I spent 6 months each year for 4 years shooting live rounds in the basement of our school at targets. I'm sure this varsity team no longer exists today in the current world we live in.

And so, while I'm not anti-gun, I believe that only our military needs automatic weapons. I believe that certain weapons have no business being sold to the Average Joe. I believe laws can be implemented that better protect U.S. citizens. I believe we can not let mass shootings became just a part of our daily life.

I believe we can do better America.

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