Sunday, May 24, 2015

Change Is Coming...

The packers are here today. I dread this day. It's the beginning of the end. Saying goodbye to friends. Knowing it will be 8 weeks without our "stuff." (Not that there is anything we can't live without for 8 weeks. Really, what do you need? Some clothes, a laptop and a good book? Got it!) Also, I can't help but hope that everything getting packed into boxes doesn't go over the side of a boat on its way to Poland, ending up in the bottom of the ocean. (Yes, we know people who lost their entire container as it crossed the Atlantic.) And, I'm sure the kids will be a little reticent when they get home and see the process has started. (Both kids are a little grouchy right now and I'm sure they are feeling the effects of the I'm trying to be extra patient.)

But, it is also exciting. Knowing that in 8 weeks we're going to have a brand new start in someplace we've never lived before. There is that thrill in discovering new places, finding your way around, making new friends. And, while it's not fun to set up a new house, I do love that feeling when the new house is settled and it feels like "home" - even if it's only for a few years.

I know that change is good. I would probably say that I even thrive on change. And, I know that I'm ready for a change.

So...let's drink a toast to change! (Afterall, there's a bottle of prosecco in my frig that the movers have said they can't pack! And it is noon!)


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