So earlier this week I blogged about a Huff Post article that discussed 27 things you'd miss while you're abroad. While I didn't miss everything on the list, there were definitely a few that I had to touch upon. And, you know, the article probably really hit a nerve as it's getting closer and closer to the time when I'll be heading home to see my family (62 days)...and I miss the heck out of them! But, after I posted it, and a bunch of friends here in KL chimed in about what they miss, Krystal (who is moving here in June) asked if I could write about what I LOVE about living in Malaysia...and that is not a problem! There are many things I love about living here - and that's why it's "Fab 5 Friday x 2." Let's get after it!
1. The weather. It's always summer here. Always. Always warm and the vast majority of days you see sunshine at some point - even between rainstorms. I love shorts, tank tops, flip flops, maxi it! It's not to say I don't miss cooler weather and less humidity, but I don't miss snow.
This was a photo from our vacation - here in Malaysia.
2. Friends from all over the world. I have made amazing friends in the short time we've been here. Friends who bring new perspectives. Friends who pick me up on the down days. Friends who laugh with me on the good ones. Friends I know I can count on in a jam. When you are far away from home, it's important to make good friends. I can honestly say I've done that.
Susan (from Canada), Me (from the U.S.) and Lorna (from Malaysia)
The list is long - China, Australia, France, The Netherlands, Denmark, Vietnam, India...
3. Great variety of inexpensive restaurants. There are some wonderful restaurants here in KL with every type of cuisine under the sun! And, most are not expensive. It definitely makes dining out a pleasure. (Oh, Pad Thai how do I love thee!?)
4. Easy and inexpensive travel. You can travel to soooooo many places from Kuala Lumpur and airline prices are fairly reasonable. We're taking full advantage of this! Cambodia?! Bali?! Korea?! (Yes, I'm heading to Korea for the Asia Regionals of the Crossfit Games - sans children!) These are places I never dreamed I would visit and feel so lucky that I'm going to have these experiences while here.
5. What this experience has done for my children. My children have been real troopers. They have adjusted and adapted and are so much more confident, self-reliant, and self-assured. And they really seem to like it here in Malaysia. They have great friends, enjoy the travel, love our home, and yet, still can't wait to go visit their grandparents this summer.
Grayson and Caleb
6. Outdoor cafes/restaurants. Ah, I love dining outside - year round. There is nothing better than enjoying a nice meal, cup of coffee, or cold beer while sitting outside and people watching. And you can do this all over KL, 12 months of the year.
7. Spas. Yup...spas definitely make the list. Massages are cheap. Manicures and pedicures are cheap. And I take full advantage of this!
8. Abundance of public holidays. Malaysia seems to have at least 1 public holiday every month...and that's a day that we get to spend as a family, because 90% of the time, Blaine will have them off as well. It's fantastic. Most times we don't do anything spectacular or special, but it is nice to have a few extra days off that we didn't have in the States.
9. Negotiating. When you go shopping, you can negotiate - at least a little - on most things. Obviously, not at the grocery store and things like that, but my husband, the master haggler, loves to go out and try to get the best price. He can do that here. Whether it was for our new mattress or the boys' hats in Chinatown - Blaine gets to put his haggling skills to work. While I don't like to do this...I do love that it can be done, and that my husband seems to enjoy the process.
10. Our helper. I'd be completely remiss if I didn't mention our helper/maid/babysitter - Elizabeth. She truly makes our house run smoothly. She keeps my house clean (cleaner that it would ever be if I was cleaning it!) and my laundry done (which means Blaine doesn't have to fold!) and cooks when I need her to (which isn't often - I just can't give up cooking.) She watches my children and is just a genuinely dear woman. This part of life in KL has totally spoiled me.
It's always an adventure here in Malaysia and not everyone enjoys the adventure. Yes, you sometimes have to hit 3 grocery stores to get everything you need for a dish. Yes, traffic is crazy. Yes, customer service is not always the best. But, if ex-pat life was easy...everyone would be signing up to do it. And trust me, they're not. It's not for the faint of heart. You need to be open to the experiences, learn from the challenges, and embrace the small victories. And know that the 10 things listed here...go a long way to making the experience great.