Thursday, February 18, 2016

Fab 5 Friday...

YAY! Today is the final day of school and then the kids have the next week off! Woohoo! I'm excited as this means a week with no homework, no real schedule, and a quick trip to Sopot, Poland thrown in there, too!

Blaine has been busy working. He was in west Poland this week for several days. Next week he'll work while we're in Sopot. And, he's still waiting on the Polish government to render their decision on this business acquisition - which just seems like it's taking forever. Hopefully, a decision will come soon!

Okay...let's get to what you came here for...the Fab 5!

1. Caleb and Basketball. So Caleb has been playing basketball on Sundays with an outside group that comes to the school to instruct the kids. This past week we received an email that he'd been chosen to tryout for the Warsaw travel team that this outside group will coach. This weekend 24 boys from all over Warsaw will tryout for 12 spots on this team. The great thing is, his friend, Minwoo, will also tryout - so he won't be the only English speaker at tryouts. I have no idea if he will make the team, but, it sure is nice to hear that his coach recognizes his hustle and hard work.

Caleb and Minwoo

2. Thaisty. Had the chance to go to Thaisty on Saturday night with friends...and it was delicious! The head chef/owner is a woman from Bangkok and her food was amazing! Was a little sad that they were out of Singha that night, but the food more than made up for it! I have to say that it made me want to be back in Asia again. Missing the warmth, the outdoor cafes, and the good food. But, at least we know of a local place that can provide us with some Asian comfort foods when we need it!

3. Annie. Grayson and I had a "date" to go see the elementary school production of Annie. I had to laugh at this so-called "date" because he ditched me no more than 3 minutes after we sat down so he could go sit with his friends. Thankfully, some other moms also got ditched and we just sat together. The kids who were in the show did a great job! And the teachers, staff, and older students who helped with the production should receive a big round of applause.

After the show...Mr. Benson (Grayson's teacher) was the director

4. Favorite Things Exchange. A friend hosted a coffee morning/favorite things exchange this week. You brought three of your favorite Polish things to share and you left with three new things. I loved that everyone brought different items and it was a great morning chatting with friends.

The things I came home with...

5. TV. Yes, television makes the list this week. I started watching "Gilmore Girls" as I never watched it when it was originally on television - and I love it! Total Lorelai and Luke addict here! And..."The Walking Dead" is back and that return episode this week kicked ass! WOW!! Good stuff! 

And there you have it, peeps! Another week, another Fab 5!

Safe travels to all my friends heading away on vacation next week! Have fun wherever you are going!

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