Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thankful Friday...

We've made it to another Friday...and for that I am thankful. This week was extremely long. I don't even know why. But, it was. Maybe it was all of the "stuff" going on in the world (Paris/Beirut/Diverted Flights/Stadium Evacuations) which is always followed by a flood of social media reactions. I find the social media aspect of what is going on to be draining in all honesty. The constant barrage of nonsense in my newsfeed. The views of many that are so narrow-minded and without basis that I find myself sitting on my hands to keep from typing out words that I know would truly make no difference in changing someone's mind. And then, while I'm sitting on my hands, I ask myself if maybe I really should get in someone's grill about their opinions. But, alas, I know better than to engage in a foolish fight. So I remain quiet.

And while I'm quiet on social media about certain things, I am not quiet at home. We talk about what is happening in the world right now. We talk about how we feel. We make sure our children know what is happening. We help them to process it all. We make sure we are teaching them the right things...or at least those things that we believe to be right.

And while my children are no longer "little," I'm always reminded of this:

Perhaps, my children will one day make the world a little better. One day.

But, my intention was not to write a "heavy" blog today. It is, after all, thankful Friday. So let me share my five thankful items.

1. Grayson. Ah yes, this little monkey tries my patience almost everyday. Many days he tries my patience multiple times per day. But, I've decided, that is why he is is here in our family. He is here to make me a better mom. Lost swim bags, smart ass comments, homework time which makes me crazy...also makes me better. And for all the times where I truly want to strangle him, he has equally as many times where he is funny and loving and just a great kid. So thank you Grayson!

Little man at his soccer tournament last weekend...

That face...

2. Dancing. those of you who read this blog can never, ever tell Caleb that you saw this video - even though he shared it with me and it's out there on YouTube - he would still kill me! But, if you just want to put a smile on your face then watch this video! Wait a few seconds for the sound to kick in!

Yup! The kid's got some moves that I've never seen before!

3. Date Night. Yes,  I am just thankful for date night. Thai food and a movie and no kids. Seriously simple, but it was seriously needed. I was very happy to see "Burnt" at the movies. (And, while not fabulous - was also not terrible. And really...two hours of Bradley Cooper can never be bad!) So yes, date night makes my thankful list.

4. Friends from Afar. Oh, thank you, thank you for my durian postcard Vidatha peeps! You are missed more than you know!!

5. Waze. I am thankful for Waze. I'm going to be really honest and say that I have no sense of direction and Waze is my lifesaver. Even with Waze I can get lost. But, Waze always rescues me! Always! So thank you, Waze!

Okay...Thankful Friday is complete. Time to get the kids a quick breakfast and send them on their merry way! Enjoy your weekend!!

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