Monday, August 10, 2015

The Poland House...

Happy Monday everyone! The heat continues here in Poland. In fact, Blaine just texted me that the government has announced brownouts due to the heat and the higher demand on the grid, His manufacturing facilities are shut down until 10 p.m. this evening...which I'm sure is making for an interesting day at work. The kids and I have all the lights off and are sitting in front of fans doing our thing...hoping that we don't lose power today.

We had a busy weekend settling the house - which is really what this post is about. After hanging pictures and putting away clothes, we are mostly settled. I have a few wall spaces where I would like some more art, but as that seems to be something we purchase during our travels...I'm going to wait it out.

I put together a little movie to give you a tour! (Please feel free to stop watching once you see the pic of the boys! I just love the I let it play out!)

I have to say that I love that we now have a small backyard (although it's been too flippin' hot to spend any time out there). I think our kitchen is fantastic...which for me was one of the main reasons why I chose this house. And, I love the little touches of our life in KL that have made it to Poland!

The memory wall in our dining room is absolutely my favorite thing right now. I made the middle piece at Tagul ( over the summer and had it shipped to my parents' home. It was really easy to do (in fact, my kids put me on to this website as they had used it in their technology classes!). The pictures are ones that I  had taken (or my friend, Kirk! Congrats, Kirk! You made it on the wall!) as we traveled Asia. The kids are already asking if we will do another for our time here in Europe.

So the guest room is open and we're officially ready for visitors! Our friend, Jen, is visiting in early September and my parents are coming in December, but that leaves lots of open space on the calendar if you've ever thought of visiting this area in Europe! Just come on!

P.S. I know school starts officially tomorrow at MKIS! Wishing all of our friends there an enjoyable year. We still have one more week before school starts here and then we'll officially be back into a routine! Until then...we're going to sleep in, drink a few extra iced lattes, and enjoy the last of the lazy days of summer.

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