Friday, August 21, 2015

Fab 5 Friday...

It's been a week full of deep starting, wifi not working, checking out a new CrossFit box, the normal struggles of moving to a place where you don't speak the language and you're not exactly sure what you're doing or why you're here. But, we've all made it to Friday and for that I am thankful.

I contemplated skipping the Fab 5 this week as I was struggling a little bit with my attitude...which I know is normal when you move. I was not feeling a whole lot of love for Poland this week, but as with all things, I'm sure time will make it better. I must keep reminding myself we've only been here a little over two weeks. And, while I was longing for the familiarity of KL and the warm smiles of my friends there, I did force myself to do a few things that were out of my comfort range in hopes of improving my attitude.

So...there are some good things that happened this week...and I must bring those things to the forefront because we all know that attitude is everything and I'm going to keep mine on the positive end of things.

1. The Kids Started School. Woohoo! That big hurdle of the first day of school is over. I knew my kids were anxious about this (although they both denied it as we walked to school on Monday). But, with a forced smile, they both walked into their new classrooms and were met eagerly by their new teachers and classmates. By the end of the day, they both told me about new friends they had made and things that they had learned about their school. Caleb has a really great 3 night field trip coming up that he is excited about and Grayson is thrilled to death that one of his friends is Korean and is hoping that this young man knows where he can get some Korean BBQ here in Poland. Grayson loves his Korean BBQ!

2. CrossFit. I went to a box on Tuesday. This is a HUGE step for this introvert! Going to someplace where she doesn't know a soul and doesn't speak the language. But, I did it. And while the box was fine, I'm still not sure it was the perfect match for me. And, maybe I'm being too picky. But, it wasn't a super friendly environment and the coaching was...well, average. I've been thinking about what I'm going to do about CrossFit and for now, I think it's going to sit on the backburner. This doesn't mean I'm giving it up. My home workouts are usually CrossFit based and I have a ton of equipment at I'm not really lacking there. But, I find that each time I move there is a slight re-invention of what workouts look like for me. Next week I'm going to try Tae Kwon Do. Maybe that will be something I enjoy. You never know unless you try!

3. Sweatshirts and Cooler Weather. This week we have the weather I was told we would have! The nights are cool and the days are in the 70's with sunshine and a strong breeze. I have the windows open and it's so nice to have fresh air flowing through the house. I still laugh at the boys in the morning when they declare "It's cold out!" - when in actuality, it's 60 degrees Fahrenheit and just gorgeous. But, sweatshirts are worn on the way to school and hopefully, they haven't become too soft after living in Malaysia for 2 years.

Heading to school with their hoodies!

4. New Parents Coffee. I don't do well with the whole being new thing. The first few weeks of the move are definitely the hardest for me and I'm not a big joiner of groups or clubs. But, I forced myself out of my little box and attended the newcomers coffee at school. I found a few things that interested me and it's always a good idea to get the lay of the land. I will be volunteering one morning each week in the PTO store and joined the American Friends of Warsaw in hopes of doing some volunteer work and joining some of their tours of Warsaw and the surrounding areas.

5. Ambassador's Farewell/Greeting. The U.S. Embassy here in Poland is getting a new ambassador and somehow we received an invitation to the reception saying goodbye to the old one and welcoming the new one at the ambassador's residence. WHAT? We received an invitation?! 9 times out of 10 I would come up with some excuse to not go to these events, but my curiosity definitely got the better of  me and we went. Come on! I've never seen the inside of an ambassador's house! So Blaine put on his suit and I changed out of my yoga pants and away we went!

We clean up pretty well!

After waiting in line 25 minutes to do the meet and greet with the outgoing ambassador dude, we grabbed a beer, enjoyed a few appetizers and listened to the jazz trio. This is really not our gig and since we are just so new to Poland, we didn't know a soul there. I believe I saw a few folks from the new parents coffee at school, but I didn't know any names - so we just drank our beer and laughed that we should start taking some selfies with some of the dignitaries in attendance. I know that the Peruvian ambassador really would've appreciated a selfie with us and me posting it on my blog! But, alas, I forgot my selfie stick! Next time!

So there's the Fab 5 for the week. The boys have their first (of two) soccer tryouts this weekend. If you could send some good thoughts their way that would be much appreciated. We're not quite sure they're ready for this level of play, but they want to give it a go. I totally love their "We'll give it a shot!" attitude!

Enjoy the weekend!

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