Friday, August 14, 2015

Fab 5 Friday...Returns!

Greetings and salutations everyone! I am happy to announce the return of Fab 5 Friday after its annual summer hiatus.

It's been a lazy week here in Poland...honest and truly. It's been hot, a lot of folks are on holiday, and we've just been chillin' at the house. But, Monday starts school and then we'll fall into some sense of routine and all will be well.

But, you're here for the Fab 5 - so let's get after it!

1. House Inspection. Our lake house/cottage/camp (I still need to figure out how to refer to it) was inspected on Tuesday - and everything went fine. My dad is large and in charge for this whole endeavor of buying a house while we're in Poland and he's doing a right fine job. He met the inspector, our realtor and the owner at the house on Tuesday. The great thing about this was meeting the owner. Dad says he is a nice guy and was able to provide some insight on the house. The inspector's report came back and there are just a few very minor things that could use some attention. So, looks like we're moving ahead. I'm already planning what our first projects need to be in future will be a slow and steady process to have our dream lake house/cottage/camp, but in a few years it will all come together.

2. A Trip to Auchan. So last Friday night we decided to go grocery shopping at Auchan which is the HUGE grocery store here in Poland. Let's talk sensory overload! Very loud and people EVERYWHERE! And we were blown away by some of what we saw. Multiple, very long aisles of dairy products. (I don't think I've ever seen so much yougurt in my life! EVER!) Meat, sausage, chicken, sausage, sausage and more sausage as far as you could see. I spent my time trying to translate the various types of kielbasa in hopes of finding one to use in our spaghetti sauce. I do think we finally picked the right one - it certainly had a lot of garlic in it! (Although, I did translate one other that said it contained peppermint. Blech! I will not be trying that one!) And of course, beer...lots of beer. Shelves and shelves  and shelves of beer. We were able to find good ol' Miller Genuine Draft (the only American brew we saw) and both were quickly grabbed off the shelves and thrown in the cart. I won't be doing a ton of shopping here and will definitely be avoiding Friday nights and the weekends, but they did have a good selection and a few things we hadn't seen at the grocery stores closer to our house.

3. Sarsa. We'd like to introduce you to Sarsa...a very poplar Polish singer. We know nothing about her except that EVERY time we get into the car - she's on the radio. No lie. Blaine has decided she is his favorite singer at the moment...mainly because I don't think he hears anyone else. And you just have to laugh because Blaine has made up his own "Polish" lyrics which he proudly sings. (I'm sure there would be many Poles laughing hilariously at whatever he is singing!)'s her video!

I've got to's kind of catchy...whatever she's singing about.

4. Farmers Market. So we have a great little farmers market every Wednesday and Saturday that is only 5 minutes away. Right now there are amazing blueberries and raspberries available - with tons of other produce and flowers! We happily stocked up on berries last weekend and Grayson is begging me to make him some blueberry muffins. Maybe this weekend. The other thing I loved about this farmers market is the huge barrels of very garlicky pickles. Yum! Next time we'll be grabbing some of those!

5. Orientation at ASW. And last, but not least, today we had orientation at the American School of Warsaw. The school certainly has all of the bells and whistles, although, as a teacher, I'm always a little more cautious as I know that "bells and whistles" are not necessarily an indicator of education quality. But, facility-wise - this place is pretty incredible. The new elementary principal is a graduate of ISKL - which once again goes to show how small the world truly is. Grayson was able to figure out that his teacher is Mr. Benson (class lists are not supposed to be posted until Monday, but names were on the welcome bulletin board to his classroom). Caleb was able to narrow it down to 2 teachers based on his classroom observations. (We know it's nor Mr. Chong due to a class list on the projector in his room.) I just really need my children to come home on Monday and tell me what a great day they had and the names of a few friends they have made and I will know that we'll all be okay.

So that is it for the first Fab 5 from Poland. We have a pretty relaxed weekend in front of us. It's a holiday tomorrow and we've got a BBQ tomorrow night. Sunday may just bring about a family day at home or perhaps a little exploring in Warsaw.  Enjoy your weekend!

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