Sunday, March 1, 2015

Fab 5 Friday...

Another Friday has arrived. Thankfully. This has been a lazy week…completely lazy. I’m almost ashamed to admit how lazy it’s been. It started on Sunday with a marathon day of watching television and has continued with much coffee drinking, no exercising (CrossFit Vidatha is closed because they’re moving – so I can really blame them for doing nothing this week! Just kidding!), lots of reading, and a general lack of doing anything important. Oh, I bought groceries, packed a few lunches, fed the family and helped the kids with homework, but really, the key word is: L-A-Z-Y!

And, I think it’s okay. It’s okay to give yourself a break and do nothing. I’m hoping it provides me with a mental and physical rejuvenation. (In reality...I'm not sure this will happen, but, yes, that’s what I’m hoping for!) We’ll see if I’m able to pull myself out of this lazy mode next week.
Anyways, it’s Friday and time for the Fab 5. It’s not a super exciting one…probably due to my extreme laziness! Hahaha!

1.  Staycation. We had a fantastic staycation in the neighbourhood last weekend…which included a margarita machine! Yes, you can rent a margarita machine here in KL! (And we will be renting it again!) Anyways…poolside at Duta Tropika last Saturday was fantastically fun! Kids playing, lots of good conversation, yummy food and drinks…even a piñata for the kiddos. Would definitely do the staycation thing again!
Fun at Duta Tropika

2.  New Bedding. Our new bedding makes the list. We had this black comforter on our bed which was in horrible shape…blech! But, Sarah, our neighbour is making bedding and she made us some new bedding that looks just fabulous. I just love it!

3.  Little Boy Snuggles. I have two boys who are really beyond the snuggling stage and closer to the “Screw you, Mom!” stage. (Okay…they’d better never say that to me or I’ll be in the “I can still kick your ass!” stage!) Anyways, at two separate times this week they were in the snuggling mood…cuddled up on the couch, watching t.v., with blankets and pillows, and me. And it was…awesome. When they are little, snuggles seem so normal, but as they grow up, they definitely lessen. They still do well with goodnight hugs and kisses, but snuggles are special.
4. Track Meet. It is fantastic to see the boys participate in their final track and field meet today. We had missed the first one as we were out of town and today we were up at the crack of dawn to have them at school for 6 a.m. to grab the bus to GIS, but it was worth it! They're not the fastest, but I just love watching them participate and hang out with their friends...

5. Porkapalooza/Blaine's 40th. Preparations for the 2nd Annual Porkapalooza started this week. This year it is being held in conjunction with Blaine's 40th birthday...and we are looking forward to yummy food, lots of drinks, and hanging out with our friends. The house will be crowded, but who cares! The more the merrier! Ballots have been printed, prizes are ready and we'll see our friends on Saturday!

Yes, Kamal made a delivery!

Please send a little mojo my way that next week I snap out of this lazy mode!! Just say no to lazy! (But, not until Monday!) Enjoy the weekend!

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