Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fab 5 Friday...

I meant to blog earlier this week. Yeah, I meant to do a lot of things earlier in the week. But, I needed a little mental break. It's all good. I took my break and a few deep breaths and I'm now ready to rock again. Or, at least I think I am. Time will tell.

So really...things here are pretty routine. The boys are back into the full swing of school. Sports are dominating our life and we haven't added baseball yet to the mix. Blaine is busy with work. He has some big conference here in Warsaw today, he's off to Milan on Monday for a few days and he's waiting for a ruling from the Polish government on the acquisition of a business. And, well, I'm busy with the "mom thing" - PTO, kids stuff, blah, blah, blah.

But, let's catch you up on the Fab 5 for last week!

1. PTO Trivia Night. We had trivia night last Saturday at The Blue Cactus here in Warsaw. It was a really fun night! Lots of good drinks, food, trivia, drinks, dancing, drinks, laughs, drinks. (Please be sure to ask Blaine about the drinks!) We had a great mix of parents and teachers at the event and I was happy to be on the committee with some of my favorite people from the PTO.

The PTO Crew

Shots being made, great prizes, some of my favorite friends, and yummy chips & guac

Blaine dancing up a storm!

LOTS of fun!

2. Mommy Monday. And once trivia night was over, I took Monday to catch my breath. I know that we're all tired of reading about introverts and how they deal with the social aspect of life, but I'm going to tell you it's true. Most people don't consider me to be an introvert, but I am. That stupid quiz you can take...yeah, it pegged me as highly introverted and it's correct - which I've always known without ever having to take a damn quiz. After spending Saturday night as one of the emcees for trivia night, I just wanted to crawl into my shell and stay there for a few days. And, Monday was that day. I spent it by myself doing my favorite things - cooking, reading, watching Northern Exposure. It was glorious! By Tuesday, I was re-energized and ready to be out in the world of people!

3. Rogue. Oh, Monday also found me cleaning out my wallet. Yeah, I know...super exciting. BUT, I found a $500 Rogue gift card in there - which I had forgotten about entirely - and had some fun online shopping! (A very big shoutout to my favorite Vidatha owners for this!) Needless to say there is a new Oly bar, some plates, and an ab-mat all waiting for me at my brother's house! Fun toys for the summer!

4. Margaritas. Um, yeah...margaritas make the list this week. You see...we bought a margarita machine from friends that are moving. And, while I will be taking it back to the lake house this summer, we're going to put it to good use while it's still here in Warsaw. So last weekend was full of margaritas! And they are delicious! Fresh squeezed lime juice, simple syrup, tequila, Cointreau and some shaved ice! And I just love the woman at Piotr & Pawel (it's a grocery store) who gives us extremely strange looks when we go and buy 30-40 limes at a time! I'm sure I'll be back later this afternoon to pick up a supply for this weekend and I'm sure she'll once again give me this look that says, "What the hell are you doing with all of these limes?"

5. The Boys. Finally, let's give a little shoutout to my boys...Caleb and Grayson. As I mentioned, sports is dominating right now. Grayson had two soccer tournaments last weekend and Caleb had double soccer practice and basketball practice. We did manage to squeeze in haircuts last week - which is when Caleb had the lightning bolts added! (Holy 90's throwback, Batman!) And, Caleb's entire fifth grade participated in their largest service learning project this week - a used book sale. Proud of these two little monkeys and all they are doing!

Soccer Tournament #1 of the weekend

Sportin' the lightning

Setting up for the book sale

And there you have it! Another Fab 5 in the books! Enjoy your weekend!

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