Thursday, January 14, 2016

Fab 5 Friday on a Thursday...

Hello there! Fab 5 was off last week...well, I'll be honest - it was due to pure laziness. I just didn't feel like writing it. So there!

But, I'm back this week as school has started back up. I think my kids are happy to have some sort of routine back in place, although, Grayson is struggling with the "early" wake-up time. He may be only 9, but during the Christmas break he discovered that he can sleep in with the best teenagers out there.

And,'s coming to you on a Thursday because I have an appointment to get my hair cut and colored tomorrow during my normal blogging time. And trust me, with the massive amount of gray and roots and stuff - well, the cut and color is a priority. So, I will bring you the Fab 5 a bit early...

So what all have we been up to? Hmm...let's see.

1. Bierhalle. Since Epiphany is a holiday here in Poland, we decided to have an adult night out at Bierhalle, a chain, that has opened a restaurant in Nowy Wilanów. While the food was just average and the service, well, it wasn't spectacular - the beer was delicious. And, the company was even better.

2. Lots of time to relax. We spent the last week of the kids' holiday here in Warsaw - and it was really relaxing. Lots of sleeping in, reading, playing board games, watching movies...just hanging out. I even snuck out for a little pottery shopping and lunch with friends! Nice!

Because it's been a rough week...he needed a mid-afternoon nap.

Some holiday sparklers...

3. Cards Against Humanity. Do you want to know how you solidify a friendship with new people? You play Cards Against Humanity. That's all I will say...

4. Travel Plans. We finally planned our next family adventure. The kids have a week off in February, but since we are not ski people - we're just going to skip that one. Maybe a couple of nights in Gdansk with Blaine (he can go visit some Cargill plants and we'll tour Gdansk), but otherwise, we'll stay here and just enjoy the quiet. That means that April is our next big travel adventure - and we're going to do a cruise this time. Barcelona to Venice - with some fantastic stops in between. The cruise seems ideal as there are only two days at sea - so we can see a lot of places in a relatively short time.

5. History Tutoring. The boys start tutoring in American history next week. While I love international schools, if you intend to return to the States with school age children at some point in time, you will find your children seriously lack a basic knowledge of American history. They have an amazing grasp of world history, but lack the basics about the U.S. Cargill helps us with making sure the kids have all that they need and while I could've tutored them, I'm thankful that we found someone who wants to teach the boys. So, their books and workbooks have been purchased and next week they start. They'll go together for one hour each week. And, I know I'm more excited about this than them because history was one of my favorite subjects, but...they'll just have to suck it up!

And really that's it for the Fab 5!

We heard from quite a few folks this week about coming to visit this summer! We'll be so glad to see you!! And please know, that anyone who wants to come to Poland - our door is always open!

Do widzenia!

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