Friday, September 18, 2015

Fab 5 Friday...

Friday, glorious Friday. I love Fridays. The weekend to look forward to. A few relaxing cocktails on the patio this afternoon. No homework for the kids. The end of the work week for Blaine. It's just a good day.

It was a slow week here, but I've got a few things to share for Fab 5 Friday. So share I will!

1. The Weather. This has been a nice week when it comes to the weather. Temps in the 70's and low 80's during the days and the high 50's and low 60's at night. Plenty of sunshine. I'm still wearing sandals and shorts. You can't ask for much better. The patio has become my favorite spot for blogging and reading. Here's hoping this weather can last a little longer.

2. DWI Checkpoint. So we had been warned that it would not be uncommon to go through a DWI checkpoint when heading to soccer games on a Saturday morning and sure enough - we went through our first one last Saturday morning at around 10 a.m. While we didn't understand a word the police officer said, he handed Blaine this yellow tube and he blew into it. It registers if you have any alcohol in your system and then you are either on your way or pulled over. (We saw several people pulled over!) There are very strict DWI laws here in Poland - .02% gets you a banned license of a minimum of 3 months and possible jail time. And yes, you can get pulled over for riding your bike while intoxicated. I just could not help but laugh that the DWI checkpoint was taking place at 10 a.m. on a Sunday morning! Stop drinking the vodka peeps!

3. Soccer Game. Grayson played in his first match for his new soccer team last Saturday. (Caleb plays in his first match tomorrow.) And, shall I put this? It wasn't pretty. At the end of the first half, the team was down 3-0 and the coach asked for a volunteer to act as goalie in the second half. guessed it! Grayson volunteers! WTF!?!? Seriously kid?!? Why the hell would you do that? Anyways, the second half was...well, disastrous. The final score was 8-1. Thankfully, the coach told Grayson at practice on Sunday that he would not be needed as goalie again. I love the kid, but he is no goalie!

4. KFC. I will end this blog with two earworms for you! You know...'cause I'm nice like that! The first one I will share is our favorite KFC commercial which Caleb belts out regularly in his best Southern accent. He does this strictly to make me laugh because he knows it brings a smile to my face every time! And while he will not let me video him...I'll share the original with you!

So yes, just picture Caleb as the Colonel singing this catchy little ditty!

5. That's The Way I Like It. Ah, Grayson has discovered KC and the Sunshine band. So last night we were serenaded by the 1975 classic - That's The Way I Like It. Making this even better is Caleb's absolute disgust over this song. So Grayson would sing it and Caleb would yell which would cause Grayson to continue singing it. And no, Grayson would not allow me to video it so once again, I will share the original.

Please try and refrain from singing this all day!

Enjoy the weekend, uh-huh, uh-huh!

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