Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fab 5 Friday...On A Thursday...

I'm bringing the Fab 5 to you a day early! Mainly because I have a few minutes to jot down my thoughts before the kids get home and we're plunged into the dread known as homework!

I'm going to give a special shoutout to my family and friends back in the States! The days seem to be flying by...which makes me happy as that means we'll be heading back to see you all soon! Completely looking forward to seeing my family and friends!

We have guests coming to KL this weekend - which should be fun! Not sure what exactly is on the agenda, but always a good time showing people around KL!

So...are you ready!? Let's get after Fab 5 Thursday/Friday!

1. Convey Goodbye Party. Now, we are by no means happy that the Conveys are leaving KL to head back to Canada, but we did have a great time hanging out at their place last weekend for one last get together! They've been good partners in crime while here in KL - most recently at Chinese New Year, Duta Tropika Staycation and Easter Sunday Brunch. Sadly, with Craig in Canada...I'm not sure who the husbands in the neighbourhood will blame when they decide to get drunk and do stupid things! (Who am I kidding? They'll still blame Craig!) Good luck Conveys!

2. Intersociety Golf Tournament. Well, I played in my first golf tourney last weekend. There was a big intersociety tournament last Saturday at Templer Golf & Country Club. Blaine and I played for the Canadian Association as they needed a few members for their team. We had the pleasure of playing with a bunch of MKIS teachers...making for a very fun afternoon - even with the lightning delay. Now, my first 9 were quite acceptable, but let's just say the back nine...well, it was a complete blowup! I did manage to score some points for the team as it was Stableford scoring, but I don't think they'll want me golfing for their team again! Thank you Janelle for being my partner for the day!

3. Teakia Shopping. much fun picking up a few new pieces of furniture! Definitely glad that some friends steered me to this place! (Although my husband may not be!)

4. CrossFit HQ Article. Back in September, after being prompted by a friend, I submitted a short essay to CrossFit for a contest they were having. I never heard anything from them...until Tuesday!! Yup! An email came that stated I had been selected - which means I win $500 and my box wins a $500 gift certificate to Rogue. Not exactly sure when it will be published - the email said they were aiming for mid-May - but I will share the link when it becomes available.

5. Pokeno. Last month I finally made it to a Pokeno night! Finally! What a fun girls' night! This week it was at my house and "pajama party" was the theme. Definitely a great evening with some fabulous women! Yummy food! A little bubbly! Lots of laughs! All in your comfy clothes! You just can't go wrong!

So there you have it! We've got an easy weekend ahead of us - no soccer or baseball for the first time in a while! And next week is a short week due to Malaysian holidays...which means a quick trip to the beach for us!

Stay tuned tomorrow for a special announcement blog! (And no...I'm not pregnant!) Enjoy the weekend!


  1. Isn't Pokeno fun...I like the Pajama party idea too!

  2. Dropping in from the link-up to say 'hi!'

    Your week sounds exhausting but fun. I am going off now to look up 'pokeno' parties :)
