Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Week 1 of School and The Things I Miss...

So...I've almost finished my first week of working. The kids did not kill me and I did not kill any kids. I call that a win. I joke, but really - I think it was a successful week. I had a couple of kids who wanted to test me - just a little - but I shut that down quickly and I think they realize I'm not a sub that they can steamroll over. Let's hope the next few weeks are equally as successful.

And as I came home Wednesday I started thinking about the things I missed since I was back in the working world...so today's blog is dedicated to that!

1. Coffee. I had one cup of coffee this week. Just one. Really, it's a miracle the kids did survive. I can be a raving bitch without coffee. (Yeah, yeah...keep your comments about how I can be a raving bitch with coffee to yourself!) I wish coffee shops opened at 7 a.m. - even 7:30 a.m. - so I could grab a cup on the way to work. But, alas, that is not the case and I will have to limit my coffee to weekends...and substitute in many Coke Lights until Christmas.

2. My 8 a.m. CrossFit Peeps. Oh, I miss my morning WOD!! And I miss the morning peeps! (A special shout out to Jo!!! Save my bar for me!!) I only made it to one 5 p.m. WOD this week due to the kids' schedule and my schedule and, well, life. I'm a morning girl for sure! Evening workouts S-U-C-K!!! So, the next few weeks will be challenging in that respect. Next week I may have to try getting up with Blaine and doing home WODs. Oh! The horror! We all know a home WOD is not nearly as gruelling as heading to the box. I can cherrypick what I'm going to do...although I promise to throw in some burpees. (I did them this week at home...I was a good CrossFitter.)

3. Writing. I miss my morning writing time. Not just the blog, but when I would email friends. When I would brainstorm ideas. When I would gather my thoughts and put them in my ever-so-cute notebook. (Thanks Alissa for my fabulous notebook! It gets used a lot!) I still need to work out time to write, but it will come as I fall into a routine.

4. ?

5. ?

Hmm...I can't think of a 4th or 5th thing I miss. I call that a win, too. Because really...all of the things above are minor. Really minor. And by Christmas...things will return to the way they were. So life is good.

Happy Halloween everyone!

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