Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fab 5 Friday...Malaysian Edition.

We have arrived safely back in Kuala Lumpur...and while we are all still jet-lagged we are powering through. The kids have done amazing and I'm sure by the end of this weekend we will  be back on schedule and ready to rock next week.

As for the Fab 5 this week...well, here it is:

1. Home. You know...I wasn't sure I would ever consider Malaysia home when we initially left last year to move here, but it truly is home. Home is wherever your family is and mine is here. While we had a stupendous summer in upstate New York, all of us said we were happy to be home and sleeping in our own beds and surrounded by the comfort of our "things." We were happy to come back and settle into our routines. I love that...

2. Swim, Bike, Run Magazine. I hadn't seen the print copy of the article that Swim, Bike Run Malaysia - a triathlon magazine - did on the Fit Mommas from Ironman Putrajaya 70.3 It was a nice article and while I'll always prefer to be on the writing side of things, it was nice to see our team recognized. Additionally, this article has led a writer from Ironman Asia Pacific to want to do an article on me and how I entered into triathlons. I'm meeting with her next Friday - so we'll see where this goes.

3. CrossFit Vidatha. All I can say is that it is so good to be back at the box. We got home Wednesday evening and I hit the box Thursday morning. (Take that, Jet Lag!) Good to see my friends and get my hands on a barbell again.

My new shoes for CrossFit!
4. WOD Talk Swag. While I was away this summer, I received a box of swag from WOD Talk for my work writing about regionals. While the box wasn't all that exciting, it was fun to receive a few goodies from them!

5. Blaine's Progress. Blaine is making some awesome progress with his leg. He is down to one crutch - which he uses only part of the time - and we're hoping that on Monday the doctor will increase his range of motion and perhaps give him some other freedoms (like the elliptical and a date when he can return to golf).

So there you have it! I hope to be back doing some additional blogging next week when the boys return to school. Tuesday is their first day back and then we'll really be back in the swing of things!

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