Thursday, July 17, 2014

Fab 5 Friday for the Week Ending July 19th...

It's that time once again...Fab 5 Friday! Because we have a busy Friday planned tomorrow I am publishing it the author and publisher -  I have this ability. Without further it is!

1. Grandparents. Blaine's parents arrived late last week...and the boys were in heaven. Lots of spoiling going on - many yummy meals, lots of fishing, and mini-golf! What more could you ask for!

2. Good WODs. So I've decided that the local CrossFit box is run by a bunch of imbeciles (so much for fostering that community spirit), but it doesn't mean I haven't been working out. I've been hitting the Y on a regular basis and while I haven't had my hands on a barbell since I left KL (oh, how I miss thee, but the guys and girls who want to do their half squats can hog the's okay...I won't let my 9 year-old come show you how to squat...), kettlebells have become my weapon of choice - along with med balls and the rower. I'm completely capable of kicking my own ass and have been doing a right fine job!

3. Good Food. And thank God I've been kicking my own ass as we have enjoyed Massie's, Harvest, Five Guys, and Martha's this week. Yup...worth every damn calorie.

4. Shopping. I continue to shop. I really should be finished, but I just keep finding a few more things that I need. (Please note that I said "need" vs. "want." Hahahah!)

5. Go-Carts. Mom and I took the boys on the go-carts today! Totally a fun time. I had Caleb and Grayson was with Nana...and I'll give it to Nana - she hung right with us. We tried to lose her, but to no avail.

Oh, and a special shout-out to John in Wisconsin who mailed a 12-pack of Spotted Cow to us in New York! LOVE IT!!

And, thank you to everyone who has sent us messages to make sure we were still in the States after the MH17 incident/crash/act of terrorism. We are safe and sound and we currently believe our friends from KL are all safe. But, that is a popular flight from Amsterdam...and truly a scary situation. RIP passengers and crew of MH17.
All right...the Klutts' family rolls into town this weekend. Hoping for good weather, good food, good drink and lots of laughs! If Cards Against Humanity doesn't bring the laughs - then nothing can!

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