Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fab 5 Friday...

This is the top definition when you look up "Friday" in Urban Dictionary:

A great feeling. Happy. No more shit for two days.

I like it! It's Friday!

So what has been happening in the Blackburn World here in Warsaw? The norm, peeps. School, soccer, homework, housework, travel for Blaine, food prep. You know the standard family stuff.

But, as mundane as daily life may's been a great week. So here's this week's Fab 5.

1. Lake House Closing. We finally received notification that our title has cleared for the lake house in New York.Yahoo! This makes me happy. Very happy! I'm so excited that we have our own house to go home to each matter where we are living in the world. There is just something comforting in knowing you have your own place. And soon we will.

2. UN Week. ASW celebrated UN Week. All I can say is WOW! Let's talk about going all out! Monday was the all-school assembly. Tuesday was the in-class lunch. Thursday was the country table day - except if you're the USA or Poland and then you have an entire area to decorate. Each country picks a theme and the parents rock out their designated areas and then the kids spend all day coming around and visiting. The US group did the United STATEs FAIR - which was a very fun theme. We had games, a barn with stuffed animals, a bake-off, popcorn, lemonade and chocolate chip cookies. Thankfully we had some incredible moms who baked and prepared and decorated and cleaned up and made this a fun day. But, I'm okay with it happening only once per year! What a lot of work for 6 hours!
Caleb's classroom

Grayson's classroom

State Fair, Baby!

All of our fun decorations!

Bake-Off Competition and Cookie Central

Various Country Displays

The Brits had a High Tea - with awesome decorations! And Canada was very popular with their hockey display!

And the Koreans served an amazing meal!

3. Package from the States. Blaine's parents sent us a package from the States this week filled with all sorts of goodies!! Halloween candy being the critical thing! Over 1000 pieces of American Halloween candy to be handed out to all the little ghosts and goblins on the 31st. I'm sure we will be a popular stop on the trick-or-treat trail!

The candy is currently being stored in the home gym in hopes that we will not overindulge before Halloween.

4. A Fire. This is so incredibly simple and silly, but it definitely makes the Fab 5 this week. We had our first fire in our fireplace. It was so cozy and relaxing and really made for the most enjoyable Saturday night as we ate Chinese food and watched college football.

5. Marshmallow Roast. Oh, thank you dear neighbor who invited us over to roast marshmallows and make s'mores on a brisk October evening. It was fun watching the kids run around and talking to neighbors and making new friends.

Okay...that's all she wrote for this Friday! Make it a a good one peeps! I'm off to do laundry and pack for our trip! We be outta here tomorrow - and I can't wait!

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