Friday, June 19, 2015

Fab 5 Friday...

Greetings from the U.S.! So good to be home - and mostly over jet lag. The kids were rock stars with the whole jet lag thing! Maybe that has to do with them being kids. Me...not so much. Many nights of turning on the t.v. and watching various episodes of  HGTV...Blaine should be frightened when we buy our forever home. I have a list about a mile long of things that home will need!

Anyways...for the summer it will strictly be Fab 5 Fridays for the blog unless I'm struck by the unusual need to write. This is the time when I will give blogging a break and spend the summer relaxing with a good book while I watch the kids fish on the dock.

Today's Fab 5 is dedicated to my littlest dude, Grayson. Today is his 9th birthday and while he's been driving me insane all week with his constant chattering about his new Nintendo 3DS, I do love the little guy more than words...although, today I'm going to give it a shot!

The Fab 5 Reasons to Love Grayson...

1. His obstinacy. Why would a mom love this in a child? Doesn't it drive you crazy? The answer is most definitely - YES. But, I also know that this will not allow him to be bullied. It will give him the fortitude to express his opinions as he grows up. He will eventually learn to channel it in ways that will work to help him. Don't always believe that being obstinate is a bad thing...

2. His caring nature. This child cares for his friends and family like a boss. (That's his term.) I've seen him give hugs to friends out of no where. I've watched him cry with others because they were crying. He sends text messages to his friends around the globe to check in on them after surgery. He shows me much love on days when I'm feeling blue. He just has a way of knowing what a person needs to feel better. If we could only all be like this...

3. He's smart. Now, admittedly, he doesn't like to write...which drives me insane. (How can this kiddo of mine not like to put his thoughts into words?) But, he's really quite the smartie with the subjects he does like - like math. Maybe that's why I put it here...because math and science were never my favorite subjects, but this kid loves them. And for that I admire him...

4. His big brown eyes. Yes, this is totally superficial. But, those brown eyes of his will make you melt when he's absolutely pushed you to your limits.

5. His sense of adventure. This kid has it. He has loved the travel we have done and the places we have visited. He can negotiate for a tuk-tuk in Cambodia like nobody's business and was the first to get on his elephant to take it for a spin. He's embraced all of the changes our lives have been through like a champ. He even talks about his future and how he hopes to go to cool places with his family like he does with ours...and he's 8, I mean 9.

So I all I can say is Happy Birthday, Grayson! We love you lots and hope that year 9 brings you all of the happy things you deserve!

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