Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Fab 5 Whatever Day It Is...

So...we all know how crazy the last few weeks of school can be...and when you're living abroad you can add in a whole bunch of goodbye parties for friends and kids who are leaving...and then you add in packing up to head home...and, well, it can be a bit manic! So, it's Tuesday and I'm starting the Fab 5 today without knowing exactly when I'll push the "Publish" button...but, that's okay. Maybe you'll read it anyways!

I think it will be longer than 5, but let's get started and see where it goes.

1. PTO Luncheon. We had our final PTO luncheon last week. It was very nice to sit down with this great group of women and share a laugh or twelve. At times, things have not been easy at our school this year, but this group persevered and did the very best they could for our school community. Let's hope for smoother sailing next year!

2. High Tea at The Bristol Hotel. We said farewell to Belinda with a high tea at the Bristol Hotel last Friday. What a lovely way to spend the afternoon. We will miss you tons, Belinda, but I'm hopeful that since you'll be in NYC that you may want to travel upstate and visit during future summers.

 3. Grayson's Birthday Sleepover. Now, you all know Grayson quite well. He's a master negotiator. Master. People could take lessons from this kid. Anyways, he started negotiating his birthday several months ago. He wanted a new iPod and to have us pay for it, but he also wanted a party with friends here before he left. I said that both were not possible. He decided that the iPod was his true desire and settled for two boys sleeping over and dinner out at the Blue Cactus with another family party to happen in the States. (His birthday is June 19th). He then added an amendment to his birthday contract which includes me baking brownies for his class. (I somehow missed this in the fine print! He's good!) I joke, but he's a good kid with nice friends and while I felt bad about limiting him to just two boys to sleepover, it worked out well, and they all seemed to have fun.

4. FC Inter End of Season Party. Both boys celebrated the almost-end of the soccer season with a big party at Legia Stadium on Sunday. Very cool as the kids and parents spent the time playing soccer on the Legia field! Definitely an unforgettable experience!

5. Farewell to Julie. Had the pleasure to say farewell to the gorgeous Julie this week. She is off to Tunisia for her newest adventures. She has to be one of the kindest and most sincere people I have ever met...always with a smile on her face. We will miss her smile next year at ASW.

6. 4th Grade Wax Museum. Grayson's grade put together a Wax Museum this week to end their biography/autobiography unit. Grayson was Harry Houdini and he put quite a bit of practice into his speech (which he started for you when you hit the "button"). It was great to walk around and see who all the children had chosen - and there were definitely some interesting choices!

7. Caleb's Concert. Caleb had his big 5th grade concert. He did a really nice job. While he's no musician, he does enjoy singing and next year has put down choir as his first choice. Fingers crossed he gets it!

And, well...that's 7 and it's Wednesday, but I'm going to push publish because I have a full day of work planned for tomorrow and shopping in Old Town and lunch with friends planned for Friday - so no time for bloggin'. 

P.S. The countdown is officially on...Only 7 days left!! We've started packing some of our bags and gathering stuff to bring back to the States. Internet is hooked up at the house and everything should be ready for our arrival! Absolutely cannot wait! 

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