Friday, November 13, 2015

Thankful Friday...

Hey peeps! Another Thankful Friday is here! Lots of things I could put on the list this week. In fact, I had a hard time narrowing it down, but narrow it I did. And, I'm just going to get after it as I have two loaves of bread to bake out and a huge batch of homemade macaroni and cheese to put together!

1. My Family Back Home. So we bought a lake house a few weeks ago and I have to say that we are very lucky that my family lives close and has volunteered to keep an eye on the place and help us as needed. Well, last Thursday my parents and my brother spent a major portion of their day raking ALL the leaves at the place. And it was a ton! My mom kept sending me pictures while they were working - with all sorts of funny captions! I can't thank them enough for helping us while we're away! Even though many miles separate us, I know that we can always count on them to help us out!

That's a lot of leaves!

2. Good Health. So this was my week to go to the children's hospital to do crafts. (By the way, we made the cutest fish out of CDs with the kids!) Each week when I leave, I am reminded how truly we blessed (and I really don't like the word "blessed" - can we say how overused #blessed is?!?!) we are to be healthy and have healthy kids. When you see little ones with no hair and IV ports or stitches on their skull or parents who are exhausted and obviously frazzled, but trying to put up a good front, you can't help but be thankful. It just hits you like a ton of bricks at times. And this week it hit me. All I can say is that I am grateful for good health for me and my family.

3. Caleb's Friends. Caleb had a small get together to celebrate his 11th birthday last weekend. It was dinner at Blue Cactus, Spectre at the movies and a sleepover. I have to say, the boys he is friends with are genuinely nice kids. They were polite, respectful, and very funny! Everything you wish for when your child is seeking out new friends.

Enjoying some virgin margaritas and quesadillas

4. My Husband. Of course I'm thankful for him! Everyday! But, this past weekend he spent numerous hours helping me with a little "craft project" - that I thought would be so easy - and definitely turned out to be harder than expected. He also helped decorate my house for the holidays! Yes, I know it's early! But, we love Christmas! All of us! And, he surprised me and brought home candles one night! So thank you, Blaine for allowing me to indulge in my holiday craziness a bit early!

5. Winter Tea. So I told you last week that I had tried Winter Tea - which is this Polish drink that shows up on the menus this time of year! Well, after asking around it looks like I've pretty much figured out how to make it! Raspberry syrup, hot water, honey, an orange slice with cloves, ginger (when you remember to serve it!) and a cinnamon stick! And, this just makes me happy! A welcome change from my coffee addiction! And, you can't beat the folks I drank tea with this week!

And there you have it! Caleb had his stitches removed last weekend and he will be cleared for sports as of tomorrow! Thank goodness as he has been super grouchy sitting on  the sidelines! Grayson has a soccer tournament Saturday afternoon and Blaine and I are planning a date night for tomorrow evening! I've been dying to see "Burnt" at the theaters - so hopefully, we can see it this weekend! What do you have planned this weekend?

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