Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Occasionally I Feel The Urge...

to bitch slap people. It's not that often. In fact, it's quite rare. But, it does happen.

This morning was one of those times. Thankfully, this woman was not here nor did I have the time to go and deal with her.

But, I will say that I will not have my son crying over art. ART!!! I. Will. Not. And this morning, we had tears because he was behind in an art project (due to two necessary trips downtown to deal with Visas) and his teacher told him that he was the reason their entire class was now behind and wasn't able to paint. Until he was caught up no one would be allowed to paint. Seriously? What if my child was out sick for two weeks? Is the entire class not going to be allowed to paint until he returns? Does she truly think my child is the next Vincent Van Gogh? (I can tell you...He is not!)

Now, this is not the first instance I have been unhappy with this teacher, but I let the first one slide. After all, I'm a teacher. 99% of the time - no matter what my child says - I back the teacher.

But, now I have to put on my diplomacy hat and figure out how I'm going to handle this. We must work with this teacher until June (After which, word on the street says, her contract has not been renewed! Hmm...wonder why?) and I don't want to make it any tougher on Caleb.

Wish me luck! Diplomacy has not not been my strong suit lately!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Robin! Been there...done that. Hard to keep your emotions in check when someone is picking on your child.
