Thursday, September 17, 2015

Today's Blog Is Sponsored by the Letter S..

Really it should be the letter "P" as I am procrastinating. But, I like the letter "S" better. So today's blog is a whole mess of "S" things!

Sunshine: We've had lots of sunshine this week. I am grateful for that as I have had some strong feelings of doubt about this move this week. Sunshine does seem to make things better though...

School: The kids are doing really well at school. We've had a week of many triumphs. Caleb stayed after school to finish an art project because he decided he didn't want a "2" for a grade - and this is major because he really doesn't care about art at all. He also received his first choice of instrument for band. This means soon the sounds of the trumpet will be coming from our house. Grayson has been asking for extra practice for his French class. This makes his mommy, the former French teacher, very happy. He did an amazing job with his reader's response this week, too, with the only assistance from me being a sounding board as he passed his ideas by me. And lastly, they both seem to have some nice friends which is really the most important thing.

Sports: We are deep into sports. Caleb is playing soccer and basketball and I believe on Monday he'll start table tennis or Frisbee golf or some other after school sport. Grayson is doing soccer (and I'll tell you tomorrow during Fab 5 about littlest dude's first soccer game.)

Slow: Things for me have been slow. I don't know how else to describe it. By 6 weeks in Malaysia I was in a routine and had found some friends and felt fairly settled. But, that is not the case here...yet. I know it will come, but the Malaysian experience was easier from the standpoint of establishing a routine and making friends and finding my happy place. And, while I hate comparing the two experiences, I just can't help myself. Yet, I remain optimistic.

Summer: Summer is coming to an end here. (We actually had firewood delivered last weekend. Blech!) But, we're enjoying these last few warm and sunny days. And, selfishly, I'm already looking forward to going back to the U.S. next summer to spend time at our lake house - providing we can get the title clearance and the closing scheduled. (That's a story for another day, but I think we're getting closer.)

Yup...New York is back in the countdown app.

Substitute: I thought I might once again sub at school this year. But, after reading what is needed in order to sub, I am unable - all because I don't have the correct visa. I miss working right now. That feeling of being productive and having a purpose. I may need to take some time and see if/how the visa situation can be remedied without me having to marry a Polish national - which Blaine would frown upon.

Suggestions: Well, if you've got any suggestions for me...I'm open. Jobs suggestions. Blog suggestions. Life suggestions. Throw them my way!

And, lastly...

Smile: Yup. As simple as that. Give your RBF a break and smile.

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