Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fab 5 Thursday...

Another week has come to an end. (I'm ending it today - Thursday - as I don't think there will be time to blog tomorrow!) It's hard to fathom that we only have 3 more Thursdays/Fridays here in Malaysia. I'm still kind of in denial. I know we're going. The packers are coming Monday. We'll be moving to Wedgewood next Tuesday. And then, we'll be heading back to the States. But, I'm not sure if I've processed the fact that after the summer, we'll be heading to a new city in a new country. I guess it can wait! Live in the moment, right?

Anyways, it's been a good week. Lots of good little things here we go with the Fab 5!

1. Grayson's Birthday. So the littlest man's official birthday is June 19th, but, we celebrated last Saturday night. Now, knowing Grayson, you would think that he would want a HUGE party with all of his friends and a million presents. But, this was not the case. Now please, don't be fooled by the quiet little celebration he chose to have - a friend sleepover, dinner at Morganfield's, cake and ice cream and unlimited Minecraft time. My littlest man has been negotiating a deal for about the last 4 months. He wants a new Nintendo 3DS...a new DS which he does not have the money for. So yes, he brokered a deal (like a pro) to forgo a party and Mom and Dad will buy him a new DS the minute we set foot in the States. Now, I'm going to admit, with the move and the end of school and all sorts of stuff going on, this worked just fine for me! His friend, Logan, is a great kid and they had a blast playing on their iPads all night!

2. KL Highland Games. Once again the Mont Kiara Menace participated in the KL Highland Games tug-o-war. Good times! We started out slow, but rebounded well and grabbed 3rd place! These women are so much fun and I will miss them when we move! 



3. Breakout and Fresca. Oh, I participated in my first Breakout experience this week with a bunch of moms. What a fun night! If you haven't done this, you should try it! You need to solve a set of clues in order to get out of a locked room. I will say, our team started in the room handcuffed to a table. Yes, handcuffed. But, we managed to get ourselves uncuffed and eventually escaped from the room. 

And, margaritas and Mexican food at Fresca wrapped up the night! Thanks ladies! I will miss nights like this!
(Side Note: Caleb has done this before, but Blaine and Grayson have not - so we booked ourselves into The Escape Room (same concept as Breakout) for June 11th.)

4. Golf. Blech! I love golf and I hate golf. It was freaking hot Wednesday, but Blaine and I were going to go golf 18 holes at KGPA as it was probably going to be our last time to get out. (My clubs are going on the container next week) My games was sucking majorly...what else can I say. None of my clubs wanted to be my friend. Seriously, was excited to just get a curry puff at the little par 3 on the front 9. (Yes, here in Malaysia it's not hot dogs on the course - it's curry puffs...and I will miss those damn curry puffs!) But, I pushed through the front 9 and as we were getting ready to start the back 9 a group of 4 ladies were just teeing off. Well, our caddy asked one of the women if we could play through and she said no, she had no intention of letting us do that. Which proceeded to piss Blaine off and we called it a day. Our caddy explained they were board members wives at KGPA - great - and that they feel a little entitled. Whatever! Golf etiquette says to let the faster group. Ah, okay...rant over. It was still fun to be out golfing with my hubby before he headed back down to Malacca for a meeting.

5. WOD Talk. I had another blog hit WOD Talk this week. You can read it by clicking here. It's all about my CrossFit rut...which I'm majorly struggling with right now. I still love CrossFit, but I have not been in love with the WODs or going to the box or, well, any of it. In fact, haven't been at all this week. I'm signed up for tomorrow let's hope I force myself to go.

Okay peeps...that's it! I hope the rest of your week is a good one and that the upcoming weekend is even better!!! Peace out!

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