Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Liebster Award Nomination...

Yeah, you might be like me and have no idea what the hell a Liebster Award is...I know I didn't. And then, I received a "nomination." So, I needed to investigate a little and find out what it's all about it. This is what I found: 

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. So, what is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Isn't that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs.

Here are the rules for receiving this award:1. Each person must post 11 things/random facts about themselves. (We did 10!)
2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer. (We did 10!)3. Choose up to 11 people and link them in your post. (I chose 1 - because I don't read a ton of other blogs on a regular basis!)4. Go to their page and tell them. (I sent her a Facebook message - so she knows it's coming!)5. No tag backs!

6. List the rules in your blog post.

So now you know as much as I do about the Liebster Award. Anyways, I was nominated by my friend, Brandie - thanks Brandie! She has a blog entitled: The Rambling of a Mind and Family. Be sure to check out her blog! 

So I guess the first thing I need to do is tell you 10 things/random facts about myself:

1. I was on the rifle team in high school Yes, I'm aware that this sport probably no longer exists in the U.S. today, but in the 80's several schools in New York State had rifle teams. We practiced in the basement of the high school. We shot .22 rifles at targets. Yes, real guns with live bullets. No one was ever injured. Safety was a priority. And I enjoyed it. I learned gun safety. Made great friends. And...I'm a good shot.
2. I once considered moving to Alaska. Before I met my husband, I considered moving to Alaska. You see, I'm a huge fan of the television show "Northern Exposure" and I was convinced I could move to Alaska, find a teaching job, and meet my soulmate - who would be just like Chris In The Morning. Needless to say, I never went.
3. I collect cookbooks. I love to cook and I love cookbooks...the ones with all the pretty pictures. I hardly ever cook recipes from the cookbooks, but I do love to collect them!
4. My kitchen/dining room in Iowa had a wine theme, but I don't drink wine. Yes, there were wine bottles and grapes and paintings depicting vineyards - but I don't drink wine. I like beer...and champagne, but not wine.
5. I have completed a 1/2 Ironman. I definitely consider this one of my most favorite athletic accomplishments - especially since I don't consider myself to be very athletic. I did Ironman 70.3 Timberman and it was an amazing experience. 
6. I prefer to shop online. I would much rather grab my computer and shop at my favorite websites in the comfort of my own home. This is a problem here in Malaysia as most of my favorite places to shop do not ship directly to Kuala Lumpur. (I'm sure my husband thinks this is a blessing!) So, before I head home each summer, I online shop like a crazy woman, sending everything to my parents' house and it is like Christmas when I get home!
7. The chance to travel is one of the greatest gifts I've ever been given. It started in high school with a trip to France my senior year and has continued in  various degrees throughout my life. There is just nothing like exploring new places or returning to a favorite one.
8. I'm snarky. Yes, I continue to try and work on this, but I know that I'm snide and highly critical - of myself and others. I do a fairly decent job of keeping my snarkiness to myself, but if you are part of my "inner circle" you've probably helped dish out a little snark. (I tend to attract other snarky people!)
9. I do not like salmon. I like lots of seafood, but salmon...no way. Blech!
10. I'm not a pet person. I grew up without any pets - well, except for those two fish that my mom bought my youngest brother one Christmas - and I really have no desire to have any pets. I'm not crazy about dogs and, cats, well, let's just say I definitely have no love for them. This works out just fine as I have children with pet allergies and therefore, they do not beg to have a puppy. Maybe one day I'll get them some fish just like my mom did! Maybe...

Now...Brandie sent me some questions that I need to answer - so here goes!

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would go back to living in Upstate New York. I love the mountains and the lakes and I miss being close to my family.
2. Where did you see yourself now when you were 18 years old? At 18, I thought that when I was 45, I would be an accountant, working for my dad's firm, and married with a couple of rugrats. But, then you go to college and fail accounting your freshman year and realize you need to come up with a new game plan.
3. If money didn't matter, what would be the one thing you would buy yourself? Hmm...I think it would be a spectacular house with the most pimped out kitchen and an amazing outdoor dining/living space. I love to cook and entertain and often dream of an amazing home.
4. Would you have plastic surgery and, if yes, what would it be? Yes, of course! I don't think there's anything wrong with a little nip and tuck as long as you are doing it for yourself and not because someone else has some expectations of you. I'd love for someone to lipo a few pounds off of me! Maybe fill in a few wrinkles! 
5. What is the craziest superstition you believe in? I don't really believe in any superstitions. I mean, I was married on Friday the 13th...you can't really be superstitious if you do that!
6. What is the one bad habit you have that you wish you could stop? Please see #8 above. 
7. If time didn't matter, what would be one thing you would do more? I would go back to school. I love to learn. I would just take all sorts of random classes and learn about things that interest me. 
8. You knew it was coming....was the dress White/Gold or Blue/Black? It was white and gold. Definitely white and gold.
9. David Beckham or Ryan Reynolds? David Beckham. Love the tattoos. 
10. If you were going to be on Ellen, what song would you want to play for your entrance? Oooh! Tough!  I think just because it's my favorite song right now...Burn by Ellie Goulding. Yes, I was caught singing this song the other day at home and my oldest just joined in! No embarrassment at all by mom's singing! Love that song and that kiddo!

Now it is my turn to nominate someone for a Liebster Award and I am so happy to nominate my friend, Shannon, and her blog The Stannard Deviation. I read her blog posts and feel like I'm reading my own blog - maybe that's why we became such good friends!

So, Shannon...here are my questions for you:
1. What clique were you in during high school? Nerds? Jocks? Artsy?
2. What is your favorite meal to cook for your family?
3. What motto do you live by? 
4. What is the best present you ever received and why?
5. What has blogging taught you?
6. What is your guilty pleasure?
7. What is one thing you would love to learn and why?
8. Celebrity crush - who is it?
9. What do your children tease you about?
10. What is the last book you read and what did you think about it?

All right! I have now fulfilled my Liebster Award requirements! Phew!

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