Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fab 5 Friday...

Hello everyone! How are you this fine day? Me, I'm well...thanks. Happy that it's Friday. Excited to spend the weekend with my family and some friends. Ready to just relax.

The Fab 5 is not very exciting this week...just a few little things that made me happy this week.

1. Baseball. Baseball got a mention earlier in the week when I talked about what I hope/know my children learned from playing ball/sports. But, I just have to say that I love to watch them play...just love it. It's fun to see smiles, determined faces - even a little frustration - when they are on the field.

2. CrossFit Back Open. Vidatha was closed for a few weeks while they moved to a new location in Publika, but they reopened this week and it was good to be back in the 8 a.m. time slot. My quads were hating me for a few days, but they have finally started to recover.

3. Cake. Many of my friends know that I love cake...all kinds. I love celebrating people's birthdays in hopes that cake will be involved. (Yeah, yeah...I like you and happy birthday, but bring on the cake!) Anyways, this week Mabel made me a Brooklyn Blackout Cake for my birthday! (Yes, life is good when you love cake and your dear friend is a pastry chef!) It was so yummy! I'll let you drool over the picture!

4. New Art. We bought an inexpensive piece of art while we were in Siem Reap last time and it was just returned from the framer. Our framer said he could have sold it at least 10 times while it was at his shop...which is funny, as it just wasn't that expensive. It's an image of South Gate and we just liked it - which is what art is all about it. Finding what you like.

5. Coffee/Lunch with friends. And last, but definitely not least, I was able to catch up with several friends for lunch or coffee this week. I truly appreciate one-on-one or small group gatherings with my friends. They seem to facilitate great discussions and while we may not solve all of the world's problems, we manage to straighten out a few things.

This weekend we have more baseball on the agenda...along with some soccer and a promised trip to the mall for good report cards and a writing goal being met by Grayson. Hope you have a good weekend! Smile!

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