Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fab 5 Friday...

We have made it to another Friday...Big round of applause for that! And, we are off to LEGOLAND and Universal Studios this weekend as Monday is a holiday here in let's give another big round of applause for a long weekend! The boys are incredibly excited and I will be packing extra Tylenol for Universal Studios as Blaine's physical therapist explicitly told him no roller coasters - so it looks like Mom will be taking one for the team and going on some coasters with Caleb. Damn little daredevil!

I want to thank all of you who read the blog this week. I always try to be "real" in my blog...some days are fabulous and, well, others...not so much. The parenting thing definitely hit a few days of "not so much" this week. It continued with a "come to Jesus meeting" between Grayson and I on Wednesday after school - which just seemed to add to the questioning of my parenting skills. This child is the master of skating by...sports, academics, you name it. And, lucky for him, his cute little face wins you over most of the time and you forgive all of his laziness. But, I reached my breaking point this week as he threw at me: "My teacher said a maximum of 30 minutes of homework each night." Yup, live with me, not your teacher, and if your mom says you are going to sit there and read until dinner time (because you're really not reading, you're just turning the pages after what you think is an appropriate amount of time) - then guess what!? Sit your ass down and read! Let's just say that I think my point was made and should at least get me through the beginning of next week, at which time we'll have another meeting of the minds.

But,'s Friday and it's time for Fab 5 Friday...and I definitely do have some good things that are making the list this week!

1. Travel Plans. Well, our travel plans are coming along great! We scored a good sale on tickets to Australia for March 2015 via the Air Asia sale this week. Yahoo! I had priced tickets on Expedia and Kayak and we got them for about 50% off via Air Asia. Then, we booked another long weekend at Club Med Cherating with some friends in October. You would've thought that we were taking the kids to Disney World when we told them we were going to Club Med again. Happy kids - in the kids club - and happy parents - at the bar and pool. Win-win for everyone!

2. Painless Trip to the US Embassy. Monday morning Blaine and I had to head to the US Embassy (And no, they're not deporting us...) to get some documents notarized. I wasn't sure how this would go - Monday morning in downtown KL and having to go to the embassy. But, we managed to get in and out in about an hour with minimal waiting. This is a huge feat in the land of waiting - especially when you have to go deal with the government - even your own government!

3. An Afternoon to Myself. Yes, I took an afternoon this week to not run errands or meet anyone or do anything. I sat by the pool with a book and enjoyed the day in relative peace and quiet. Everyone needs to do this! Maybe your thing is not the pool with a book...but find some quiet time for yourself. You'll feel a million times better!

4. Knowing You Made The Right Decision. So this week I stuck to a decision I had made earlier in the month. It was hard and I started to second-guess myself, but in the long-run I know it was the right thing to do. Have you ever second-guessed yourself? How do you know you're doing the right thing? For me, an enormous sense of calm came over me...I don't know how else to describe it. But, it was a welcome feeling.

5. Yonanas Machine. Yeah, so we caved and bought a Yonanas machine this week. ( and I love it! Just throw some fresh fruit in it and you have "ice cream." The strawberry-banana is fantastic! Love the consistency! And Grayson is in heaven - as he would eat fruit morning, noon and between smoothies and fresh juice in the morning and this in the evening...the kid is turning into a regular fruit salad. And as he says so proudly, "Mom! It's healthy!"

I hope everyone is happy and healthy where you are! Enjoy the weekend everyone!

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