Thursday, April 7, 2016

Fab 5 Thursday...

Hey peeps! I'm least for this week! I've got a few moments and thought I'd crank out a Fab 5 - on a Thursday! It won't be a particularly spectacular Fab 5, but a Fab 5, nonetheless.

So let's get after it!

1. Caleb & Basketball. We spent last Friday - Saturday in Katowice, Poland watching Caleb play basketball. As the weekend finished up, and the boys ended up winning two games and losing 4, and I could not have been more proud of him. This was a big weekend for him to step out of his comfort zone. You see, he had to try out for this team...and all the boys on this team speak Polish - which Caleb does not. He has one teammate who speaks English, too, but you could see that he spent most of the weekend speaking Polish with the other boys - naturally. And, the boys had to sleep at the school - with about 150 other boys from around Poland - and it was really loud - which Caleb doesn't do well with. (We received a couple of texts saying that the sleeping arrangements weren't much fun!) But, when we got in  the car Sunday after a tough loss and we asked the question: Would you do it again? We received a, "Most definitely! I played ball with some really talented kids." And that was all I needed to hear! That and "I'm really good with my Polish numbers" - because when you would sub in and out you had to say which number you were guarding!

2. Work. Work is going well. I enjoy it. I feel useful. A lot of my on the job training has been, "Hey! I need this! Here's an old version. Can you do something like it?" And, I figure it out. I've put together 6 campaigns this week from the template design to copy to pictures...and I'm pretty proud of them. It's been challenging working with IT (located in India), but my IT contact is a champ - and I know she's got a plate full of work, too! (And, she's new like me!) I repeatedly thank her for her patience, as I see that I've missed a link or that something isn't quite working properly...and via Skype we try and figure it out. And the experience I'm gaining is invaluable.

3. My happy place. We had some gorgeous weather earlier in the week...sunshine and 70's. Blaine has pulled out the patio furniture and it was so nice to sit outside in the sun with my laptop. This may soon be my new office.

4. The countdown. Yes, the countdown is on until we head home to the States for summer. I know that every year around this time I find myself with a strong desire to go home. And, hearing that friends from Malaysia are heading back to the States (permanently) and friends from here in Warsaw are heading back (permanently), my longing to be there is even greater. I have to admit that there is a twinge of jealousy each time I hear that someone is moving back. But, I will thoroughly enjoy my time there this summer and definitely not take it for granted.

5. Naps. I don't often get to take a nap, but today (as soon as this blog is finished) that is what I'm going to do. I'm still fighting a cold and I'm finished with work for the day and I'm going to curl up under a blanket and, hopefully, fall asleep.

Okay folks! We've got soccer, baseball, basketball, birthday parties, volunteer work and who knows what else on the agenda this weekend! Hope you have a fun weekend planned, too! Enjoy!

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