Monday, February 29, 2016

The Dreaded WhatsApp Group...

It's Monday. I really don't mind Mondays. My kids go to school. My husband goes off to work. I stay home and get a lot of stuff done at the house. It's a good day.

But, then my WhatsApp starts binging. Normally,  I love WhatsApp. I use it a ton to communicate with friends here and those far away. And, I'm a part of several WhatsApp groups for various things. Nine times out of 10, I find WhatsApp an enjoyable and useful part of my daily life.

But, not on Mondays.

Mondays starts the constant barrage of messages from people who are unable to keep their commitment to one of the groups I'm in. We committed to an activity for the entire year. It takes place on Tuesdays. And truly, it's not a chore. But, there are members of this group that I haven't seen in months. I'm not sure I'd recognize them even if I did see them.

Do you know why I don't know who they are?

Because every Monday starts the constant flow of "I can't make it" or "I hope to be there next week" messages.

And, I hate these messages.

We all have things that crop up in our lives and make us occasionally unable to make it to an activity. Your child is sick. You are sick. A trip comes up. Your refrigerator is on the fritz and you have to wait for a repairman. Family is visiting from far away. All legitimate reasons to not be able to come.

But, seriously? Do these things happen EVERY week on the day you committed to be a part of the group?

So on this Monday as my WhatsApp continues to bing, I will try and reschedule the refrigerator repairman who is coming tomorrow to fix the control panel that fried itself yesterday.  And, I will keep my Tuesday morning commitment because that's what it is...a commitment. And, I know the definition of commitment.

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