Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Old Town In Warsaw...

Just wanted to share a few pictures of what is known as Old Town here in Warsaw. We had a chance to spend a couple of hours here on Sunday morning enjoying some coffee and brisk fall air. (The youngest of the family opted not to go. I think he has had his fill of history, churches, and paintings after Milan.)

Old Town was destroyed during the bombings of WWII. When the war ended, the Polish people wanted to rebuild this area just as it was prior to the destruction. Through private donations and the use of photographs and paintings, Old Town was rebuilt. It is very charming and I was glad we were able to spend a few hours walking around on a Sunday that wasn't filled with soccer and basketball and the normal weekend chores.

You can see the National Stadium in the one photo. My Little soccer fan insisted on a picture!

I think he only comes for the hot chocolate, but was very happy to have Caleb come explore with us.

Taking in the views

Next time Caleb wants to do the horse drawn carriage ride.

I see there is a free walking tour that takes place in Old Town and I'm hoping to hit that up in the next few weeks before it becomes really cold! So watch for a blog containing more than just a few photos! I'll try and razzle dazzle you with my knowledge of Polish history!

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