Thursday, June 4, 2015

Fab 5 Friday...

WOW! Just one more week to go! It's really quite surreal. I still feel like we're just heading home for summer break and that we'll be returning to KL in August. But, alas, that is not the case. We received email confirmation that our container is on a boat heading to Poland via the Baltic Sea. So come August...Warsaw, baby!! That will be our new home.

Next week I will do the typical last posts from KL...what won't I miss, what I will miss...along with a loud cry of, "Hooray! We're out of here and heading back to see our family and friends!"

But, today I am content to drink some coffee and bang out one of my last Fab 5's from KL. So what's been going on this past week...well, let me share.

1. Canada Rocks. We headed to Canada Rocks last Saturday night with Barb and Eric. A very fun night! Cold beer, some fantastic food (pierogies and poutine and roast beef sandwiches with lots of horseradish - YUM!) and lots of laughs! We will truly miss this family when we leave. (Thankfully, there are plans for Oktoberfest in Munich in the works!)

And we can't forget the Gallaghers! (They're actually Canadian - unlike the four of us! ) It's always fun to hang out with Susan and Brian! We'll miss them lots, too!

2. Petronas Towers. Sunday was family day...and we finally went up in the Petronas Towers. In all the time that we've lived here, we have not done this. And, we made a promise to the boys that we would do this before we Sunday was the day. It was a lot of fun! A clear day and we enjoyed playing tourist in this city where we live.

3. Student-Led Conferences. Both boys had student-led conferences this week where they lead you through their portfolio and share their reasoning for the items they have chosen. I'm always more curious to listen to their reasons for choosing pieces than looking at the pieces themselves. The self-reflection is much more important than the actual work. Sometimes they keep things very much on the surface level, but then there are other times when you can see the depth in their thoughts. It's quite remarkable to see this growth in these two boys.

4. See you agains. We've started to say "goodbye" to some of our friends. Please forgive me if I don't officially say goodbye or meet for coffee or a meal. I really hate the goodbyes. I'm a fade into the sunset kinda girl. I'm a see you soon or see you again kinda person. So yes, we're sneaking out of town without a party. Facebook continues to be the tie that binds. I know that I will be in communication with friends no matter where we are. 

We've got the kids hooked up on Kik for their friends who want to text them. (It's a freebie you can download for the iPad - even though it says iPhone only - and doesn't require a phone number to sign up - just an email.) This has made them happy. 

And thank you to those who have met for coffee or invited us for a meal. We've truly appreciated the kindness you've shown! Like last night with these crazy kids!

5. Haircut and color. Ah, last cut and color before leaving KL. Elaine decided she wanted to go a little "bolder" this time. I'll admit I was a little skeptical when I looked at it before it dried. (All I could think was Bozo the clown - it was so red!) But, it has grown on me...

Okay...that's a wrap peeps! Grayson has a class party this afternoon and then we're heading to Taps for a few beers and some munchies. Tomorrow has us spectating the finals boys' soccer tournament. And Sunday, well, Sunday has me sneaking off for one last mani and pedi while Blaine plays chauffeur to the boys for the afternoon. Enjoy your weekend! 

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