The week had a ton of good stuff...tons! Lots of it I've already blogged about, but I'll try to hit a few of the things I missed today...some big, some little, all just made me happy.
1. Fountain Diet Coke. Ah, yes. We all know how much I love a fountain diet coke. I prefer it in the extra ginormous size...40 ounces or larger...which is impossible to find here in Malaysia. BUT, a Circle K opened in Publika, and, while it does not carry the extra huge size, I can now walk across the street and purchase a beautiful 20 ounces of fountain Coke Light.
Polar Pop - My new friend!
Now, please take a look at the photo. You will notice that the Circle K is located DIRECTLY next door to the 7-Eleven. I'm not sure who the genius was that thought putting two convenience stores right next to each other was a smart business decision, but they should be fired! When I asked my Malaysian friends about this, the response was "Welcome to Malaysia." Yes, I guess it is for reasons such as this that we were given an ex-pat assignment here in KL. (Please note: The 7-Eleven does not have a fountain soda machine so Circle K will receive my business. Maybe that was how Circle K thought they would conquer the market here at Publika. We'll see if this business strategy of theirs works for them or if within a few months I'm back to searching high and low for a fountain drink.)
2. Mike's Birthday Party. I had the pleasure of attending Mike's 40th birthday party last weekend (planned by the always wonderful, Brandie). Very fun night! Lots of good conversation...with some hilarious stories of searching for houses in Oklahoma when one's English is not so great and meeting a new school teacher and cursing up a storm. Great food and drink...just a relaxing evening out.

The Birthday Boy and his lovely wife
3. Trip Booked to Siem Reap. So we were going to head to Hong Kong and Cambodia during fall break, but many people have warned us that October is the rainy season and we should probably avoid Cambodia during that time. So, we jumped on the bandwagon and we're heading to Siem Reap in early December. Lots of folks we know are heading there for the Angkor Wat 1/2 marathon, 10K and Family 3K. We're going to pull the kiddos from school for a few days (yeah, yeah...I know...shouldn't do it, but they miss very little school and they're young and they're smart and we're doing it.) So we'll head to Cambodia to see the temples and we'll all do the family 3K - even Grayson who, when asked if he would like to do it, said, "I guess I have to since you're all doing it." Yup, that's the spirit young man! Love the enthusiasm. (Insert sarcasm emoticon here.)
Cambodia in December - Staying at The Golden Temple Hotel
4. Birthday Flowers. I received a combo of my favourite flowers this week - roses and calla lilies. So pretty...
So beautiful.
5. Coffee. Coffee should always be on my Fab 5 list. I Just read an article that by 2050 some of my favourite foods could be ruined by global warming...and coffee was on the list! Yikes! By then I'll be 80 - maybe I won't like coffee by then...or maybe I'll be too old and senile to care! Let's hope that's the case or my beloved coffee is ruined.
What would my mornings be without you, dear coffee?
So, another edition of Fab 5 Friday has come to an end. Hope your week was wonderful! Thanks again for all the birthday wishes!!
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