Top 10 Things I Like So Far
1. School Uniforms - 'Da bomb! No more deciding what to wear for 10 minutes each morning! Get up and put on your shorts and polo shirt, kiddos!
2. English Muffins from Ben's Independent Grocer - These English muffins are made fresh, they are the size of your head and they taste AMAZING!
3. Elizabeth - She is our domestic helper and she rocks! My house is clean, my laundry is done and she's an amazing cook! She also shares all sorts of little tidbits of information we need in regards to where we should shop, personal safety, etc.
4. My New Laptop - I bought a new laptop when we got here and it's just fabulous!
5. Summer Year Round - It is so nice to know that it is going to be warm each day!
6. Swimming In The Pool - We all know that I don't like to swim. It's my least favorite activity, least here, I can go do laps in our 25m pool OUTSIDE! The pool also makes my children extremely happy - and you can't go wrong when those two are happy!
7. Happy Kids - My kids seem to be adjusting well and love their new school. They are making friends and I'm so proud of them for the way they have handled the move.
8. Publika - Publika is the shopping center across the street. Great coffee places, the grocery store, and tons of nice restaurants.
9. Manicures and Pedicures - Just had one today...simply wonderful. A definite treat.
10. Juice Works - This is a juice/smoothie place across the street. I've only tried the juices - just put a bunch of whole juice in a blender with some ice and have at it - AWESOME!
Top 10 Things I Dislike So Far
1. Turtle's Pace - No one here seems to be in a rush. Everything is a process. We spent 5 hours at various banks on Monday. No one (contractors, etc.) comes on time. My friend, Brian, described it as "Maui time." For me, who lacks a little patience, this is a tough one.
2. No Car - I'm currently without a car. And, while traffic is crazy and makes me nervous as a passenger, I'm feeling a little lost without the freedom that a car offers. We are going to lease a car for me, but it takes 3-4 weeks to receive. I guess I'll just hang in there.
3. A lack of friends - Yes, making friends takes time - I know this. And, we've only been here a week. But, I miss my friends and family...enough said.
4. American Beer - I miss light beer. Yeah, all you beer aficionados who drink your microbrews and stuff might do just fine over here. But, light beer is not to be found and I miss my Bud 55 and Michelob Ultra.
5. Blaine's One Hour Commute - Blaine has to commute 1 hour each way to work. That just sucks. Nothing we can do about it...
6. Humidity - Whoa baby! It's humid - all the time! And for this girl who sweats all the time - it's just not pretty.
7. Running Outside - This goes back to #6.
8. Traffic -It's NUTS!! Stop lights seem to be optional for cars and are fully dismissed by those on mopeds or scooters.
9. Expensive Groceries - Certain items here are very pricey...not just American things. We'll adapt and I'll become a better bargain shopper as I learn to make my way around.
10. Lack of Stuff - Our sea shipment hasn't arrived yet. (Due any day now.) And, while we're making the best of the few things we have, it will be nice to have the house settled and all of our "stuff" in the right place.
There you have it! Things will change...hell, some of my likes could be my dislikes by next week!
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