Let's continue on with our familiarization trip to Kuala Lumpur.
Our real estate agent/tour guide was a man named Darren. On Tuesday he took us to several condos...brand new, beautiful, spacious condos. But, they weren't the right fit for us. One of them was so new that it barely had any occupants. The other was nice and new, but I just don't picture us living in a huge skyscraper.
We took a tour of Publika, one of the local shopping centers. It is located directly across from Duta Tropika (where we will be living when we move.) Publika has lots of restaurants, a grocery store, shops, and Crossfit Vidatha. (Yup, thinking I might try drinking some of the Crossfit Kool-Aid when I get there!)
We also went and visited Mont Kiara International School. (This is the school we frantically worked to get our paperwork submitted to!) It's a great school and we met with the head of admissions and had a tour of the school. I am so happy we scrambled to get everything together because this is the place for our boys. The school has lots of activities, a pool, plenty of kids from all over the world and occasionally experiences monkey alerts. Yes, monkey alerts. This happens when several monkeys congregate during lunch/recess and attempt to steal parts of the kids' lunches. HILARIOUS!
After the school visit, we went back to the hotel as we were just exhausted. Room service and to bed for us! Blaine was heading to the plant on Wednesday with Jamie and I was heading shopping/touring with Daron (his wife). A good night's rest was in order!
Wednesday morning was breakfast at the hotel. Yeah, the waitstaff thought it was a little strange that I ordered "Coke Light" for breakfast.
By the end of our week at the hotel, the maitre d' said he would be sure to stock up on Coke Light for our return!
Blaine took off with Jamie for the day and I grabbed a quick nap before Daron picked me up. Daron has an established relationship with a local cab driver (which is quite the norm around here). His name is Shanilar and he drove us all over for the day! Daron showed me the local shopping centers, where she banks, local doctors, the post office, a gym (Fitness First) and many other places. We had lunch at Mid Valley Mega Mall - just a HUGE mall. Today was a holiday in Malaysia (Labor Day if I recall correctly.) - so everyplace was quite busy. We ended the afternoon with some shopping in Chinatown. Yup, knockoff heaven - knockoff watches, purses, running shoes, jewelry, all sorts of things! Quite fun to go and haggle! Picked up lots of fun things for the boys!
Shanilar dropped me back at the hotel. Time for another quick nap. (Jetlag sucks.) Blaine returned soon after I got back. We got ourselves ready to meet Daron and Jamie's kids.
The Dolynchuks live in Duta Tropika - a gated community in Mont Kiara. We had seen pictures online and were pretty sure this is where we wanted to live. And yes, it was confirmed when we saw their place - 5 bedrooms, wet kitchen and dry kitchen, very spacious (about 4500 square feet), community pool and playground, open field for playing soccer, and a small gym and clubhouse on site. Yup, this was our new home. And, we learned that it should be very easy to assume their lease as technically Cargill leases our home for us.
We met their children, Mitch and Ella. They're fabulous. They gave us the tour and talked to us a little bit about why they love Mont Kiara International School. It was so reassuring to hear from the kids that they are happy in KL.
We had dinner over at Publika...cute, little Italian place. So nice to eat outside. We joined some neighbors of the Dolynchuks - the husband is from Australia and the wife, I believe, is from Turkey, although they met while going to college in the U.S. That's what I'm going to love about life abroad - meeting new people from all over the globe.
Now, the beer is going to take some getting used to. The two main choices are Tiger and Carlsberg.
As long as the Tiger is ice cold - I think I can handle it!
We said goodnight to our gracious hosts and headed back to the hotel.